OFFICIALLY the first CHARITY post on Steemit!! Easier than EVER - every upvote makes a kid with special needs smile!

in #charity9 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a great place to get good content and earn good money. I wanna make it even a better place!

Every week I will make a post about the charity news and the non-profit project that we run in New York.

Every dollar that such post receives from your upvotes will go directly to the events, that we are creating for kids with disabilities!

And this is the FIRST CHARITY post!

About The Cause

First of all, let me tell you in few words about the project, and then we'll move to how it's gonna work on Steemit.

We are Handmade Charity:

We are not a fund, and we believe that charity is not only about giving money to others, but also about DOING something that changes lives.

We make cooking and creative master classes for children with disabilities (here's my first post about the project:

So why is it important?

Raising a child with special needs is the hardest work in the world. And one of the most hardest things is to get the child accepted by this society.

The events aim to provide disabled children with a sense of belonging, community and acceptance, and also provide an opportunity for families caring for special needs children to interact, share experiences and learn from other similarly situated people within their community. We create, supplement, and broaden the support system each such family has in place so that they do not need to face their challenges alone.

The events also raise awareness within the community and demonstrate, on a first-hand basis, the positive impact and influence each person can have on children with special needs and their families, regardless of such persons background, upbringing, social or financial status, and unique skill set or characteristics.

Since its inception, our project in Moscow has arranged over 200 events, in which over 1000 children have participated, and has collaborated with over 100 restaurants and venues!

And now we have launched in New York!

And why Steemit?

Easy - because it's a perfect platform for a good thing! You don't need to donate, you don't need to volunteer (but I'll be more than happy if you wish to join us!!).

Just your upvote will send the money directly to the cause!

So how will it technically work?

That's another reason why I love blockchain - full transparency.

I am launching charity posts here is because I know I can show you every step the money makes to the cause!

Our project has chosen full transparency on blockchain as well, and here's my post about it:

So you will see every dollar that lands on our bank account from Steemit here:

And, moreover, you will see how exactly we spend this money!

Basically, you can trace your upvotes transferring directly into the colorful balloons or cookies at our events:)

So here's how it's gonna work:

  1. You upvote the post and see in my history how much every Charity post that I make have earned.
  2. Every month I will make a transfer of this exact amount from my account to bittrex and then to USD. You can go to my wallet and see these transactions.
  3. After that the money will go directly to Handmade Charity bank account. And here you can trace it again via Frank tool.
  4. You can follow on Frank how this money was spent - every expense is open to public!
  5. And if you wanna see, what's happening behind the numbers - join us on Facebook and Instagram:

Steemit, let's do good stuff together!


#dogood #steemforchange #steemitforward


Such a brilliant idea; you're really finding a way to use Steemit to its full potential and doing something good for people at the same time. Kudos!

Hope it takes off! Thank you!

Super idea! Good luck!

Such a great post and definitely a great way to help kids, this is what we need here on Steemit more of this....i luv it!

Thanks a lot for your nice words!

Great Idea and I can't share this enough!

Thank you!

i want help 2 foundations, one it is the pets, and other it is the children not family

Thank you for your outstanding work you are doing a great deed for the community! Good work keep it up.

Best post so far on steemit! Great start! I Hope this will encourage other charities as well to use steemit :)

Thank you so much! I also think it's a great platform for such causes, especially as it's completely transparent and objective

The best of luck with this excellent cause.

I love it..great idea..keep it up..make someones happy is the best present in the world ;)