I will never lie, I just want to say that a whole lot of people iny country are starving, most are homeless I can't even help them because I'm just s student struggling to pay my school fee, with the little tiny upvotes I get here which I'm more than grateful for.
I will however imbibe you to please help the communities who are solely in the Wat of helping Nigerians who are needy like @youareHope run by @sircork.
It's an amazing true concept right now he's working on a project to provide for people living in a mosquito infested areas like where I live.
Thank you so much for the help, but you can also help I need to pay my school fees, it's just a choice not mandatory sir
Good looking out @josediccus and thanks for the mentions which drew my attention to this post. I've added a standalone comment on the page as well in response.
We have indeed touched hundreds of lives in more than half a dozen distinct countries on multiple continents now, with the power of the transparent steem block chain and the loving generosity of our wonderful steemitizen community here.
Such kind words. Thank you very very much!
Steem Witness #78@SirCork Founder: @YouAreHOPE Foundation Founder: @SteemStarNetwork
thanks you damarth! for helping poor and reduce poverty! Tahseen Dilbar i who is 31-year-old boy from Lahore Pakistan! who have three children and small family!
He got blood cancer and and your upvote can help him!

he was a millionaire and spent all his money on blood cancer treatment! it requested from the coomunity your one upvote can save life !
save one life and help him and all money will be transfer to his bank account!
your one upvote can save a life so plx help him as you do!
Where is your foundation based? , I suggest you start the program from northern Nigeria the situation over here is very Bad thank you!!!
Thank you @damarth for this innovative idea, we are aware of the current situations of life and how hard it could be to even provide and own a one square meal a day...Am a student, currently in college and of course staying away from home could be pretty hard when you have alot of things to handle, ranging from feeding, clothing, textbooks and a whole lot, this innovation of ONE MEAL A DAY will go a long way in supporting alot of students out there as i also try to support in my own way, thank you for this opportunity and stay blessed..I will always remain a STEEMIAN.
excellent bro...............♦keep it up♦..........i waiting your every post..............@damarth
Thanks @darmath for your kind heart, sincerely I need your upvote cause I'm a student, I live in campus and I need every help I can get right now. thanks
"Please be trustworthy, if you comment for personal greed and you are not deeply in need for food or vital healthcare, you are taking money from steemians who really need it to stay alive and you should be ashamed.
Doing that you are responsible for this world to keep going wrong"
Very noble @damarth, you should really use upvote results for social action one meal a day. If not you guys are really greedy ...