Tips for a charity project

in #charity7 years ago (edited)

Hi, I am thinking about a charity project. And because Steemit and its users are awesome I think that steemit is the right plattform for it. Do you have any tips how I could publish my project the best and how I could rise additional donations ?
If you want to help me I would be very happy about comments and ideas how I can make my project reality. I will post more Informations about it in future :)

Edit: Thank you for your suggestions and tips, meanwhile I've found other ways, but this still might be helpful in future.


Hey, ich empfehle dir mal die Website, basiert auf der Steem Blockchain (Wie Dlive z.b).
Hier hab ich mal einen kleinen Post drüber geschrieben (ohne jetzt Eigenwerbung zu machen, kann man eh nicht mehr voten), falls du noch Fragen hast kannst du mir gerne im Discord schreiben.

We recently started a charity project here as well. Our best recommendation is getting involved with @youarehope as they know how to run it.

First you would want to talk about your project, what its aim is, get people interested by telling your story, when you do get upvotes and collect SBDs and STeem you want to have an accountability report.