I am proud to see that Steemit is being used to help children get free education. You are doing great work @adsactly. Education is a must, and there should be more free education in other poor countries as well.
My heart reaches out to those kids in need. I've never had an opportunity to teach kids other than Chinese but I wish I could get to know them too even via online teaching. If teaching kids is for you, you're going to miss it. There will come a point when you'd do it for free. I hope more people will come together and help them.
Let's hope so, We still have long way to go. Join our journey with @SchoolForSDG4 and I know together we can to better for the world. Have a great day.
You know I have little time for Steemit nowadays but I'm glad we can support other children by upvoting. This platform is amazing! I considered online teaching too. I have seen how you teach @j-alhomestudio, but teaching just to earn extra money won't work for me. It's just not my cup of tea. I admire those people who set up free schools and teach for the love of it. Many teachers in the Philippines are like that. I'm sure they will vote for this post too if they joined Steemit.
Thank you @thevoysing for your nice comment. I loved your Rancho Verde video on Fb and happy to know your passion about music. I am glad to received the support for the kids.
I am happy to see helpful people like you. Would you support me not helping my students? you can look at my new account profile. you can ask if you have any information. I teach at a village school.
Thank you @j-alhomestudio from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here. I am happy for your full support now and This is why I am sharing my kids voice here. Have a great day.
Great work! I'm sure that we need more free schools in many countries. In the Philippines, free tuition fee for college is now provided by the government. Other schools like LaVerdad Christian School provides free meals and books,etc. Let us all support these movements.
Thank you for taking the time to comment and vote on this post. This greatly helps the 60 students that attend the @SchoolForSDG4 in Bangladesh and makes a difference in our whole community.
This Steemit-funded school has been fundraising on Steem for about a year, and today it is fully-funded with help of Steemit blockchain technology.
I love the way you look at the things. Raising a regular amount of money is obviously important to many just to keep going in this school. Fundraisers like you not only helps to bring in much needed cash but can also raise the profile of you and other steemiens on steemit in a amazing way. Many ideas are tried and tested but the really great fundraisers come about when people try to think outside the box a little bit. You are the living proof, just look at the comments every time you release your post regarding fundraising. A good way to start is by looking at your surrounding, at poor people needs, at homeless animal needs. Even wild and wacky ideas can work if you can get enough people behind them. If you anyone is passionate about your cause it will shine through in all your fundraising activities! I wish you @adsactly and @azizbd the best and I’m praying for all over the world homeless and poor children.
Thank you for supporting @SchoolForSDG4 and the 60 students and their families that we support. It means so much!
The 60 students of @SchoolForSDG4, myself, and the teachers of the school are so grateful for the support. Thank you for taking time to vote and comment. I joined on steemit more than a year ago and I was only sharing it as my social work and I realised that I should make separate fundraising account. now my @Azizbd get nice support for myself and @schoolforsdg4 receive support for school.
Please do not upvote this reply as I would rather you save the Cost for another post like this.
I must start with saying that I am absolutely floored by the initiative taken on by @azizbd for starting and running this school. As a teacher I completely understand the desire not only to provide an educatio, which every single child is entitled to, but for making sure that these kids are not only educated but fed and mlooked after. Being from Canada we don’t see the level of poverty that is experienced in many places around the world but we do have poverty. I have worked in schools were the kids in your class are just so happy to be at school because it a a safe place to be for 7 hours and they don’t have to worry about the stresses that are their real life. I have had 6 year old kids in grade 1 come to school with no lunch and have no idea how they were getting home at the end of the day.
The lunch program at our school during my practice teaching always impressed me. We were providing a meal for kids that otherwise would have gone the entire day and possibly the night without eating. Sometimes people in the education community get caught up in the day to day comics and goings of delivering the curriculum. My first few years as a teacher showed me that there is a whole lot more to my job then the government mandated curriculum.
Don’t get me wrong, the curriculum is very important and eagerly child in entitled to an education. They are also entitled to a healthy life where they are looked after by caring parents and have access to a full meal every day. How can we possibly educate kids who are malnutrited and suffering from mistreatment of even depression. We must first create an environment where these children feel safe and secure and then education can happen. Thank you for this post @adsactly and even more so thank you for getting involved in such a great initiative!!!
Your comment gave me confidence and more mental support. I am very happy to learn about how kids get support from school in Canada. It also helping me to develop my school facilities. I arrange weekly fruits program for kids and Monthly hot meal arrangement for these 60 slum children . We will keep developing the project when we have continuous sustainable income. Hope one day we will able to give them food every day and also full day education. For now, we arrange class for 2 hours ( elementary and class one, two) and 3 hours for class three.
For any kind of information, please contact me. your knowledge and experience can be a great donation for the kids educational development. And you might know how you can support them better.
Each school fundraisers differently, it must be extremely harder in area's where there are so many people struggling, many schools do actions or sell stuff the kids have made for your school with limited funds showing the kids art work, one post per child with them explaining the process, this is where you could ask the mothers to come and help so all you need to do is type and get the kids to take pictures so it's a learning process for them also.
Something that is very labor intensive but would that help with bringing gifts to benefit the kids to have an extra snack or hot meal, it would be well worth it.
or asking businesses for donations for art supplies or tshirts were the kids could design stuff to show thru the steemit blog (where you would offer them free advertisement in the blog posts where their donation gifts are shown.) but also to sell that could cover their education and meals for the longer term.
It's great to follow the progress that is happening with the kids.
On thing @Azizbd is doing is getting training for the mothers of his 60 students so that they can sell their handiwork (embroidery...etc.). This allows the family to bring in some income and make sure the students are able to attend school (instead of spend the day working for what amount to about $2 per day).
Underprivileged Children can seek for the education but there are many more problems faced like from the very birth we know Cognitive capacity is not just a matter of genetics, but can be strongly influenced by external factors like prenatal drug use, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, and exposure to stress and violence. All of these are more prevalent in low-income households, and affect cognitive development from the prenatal stage through adulthood.
Parents with higher education and income are more likely to engage children with questions and dialogue that invite creative responses, while parents in poverty often lack the time and energy for anything more than simple and goal-oriented command.
Children growing up in poverty often experience life as a series of volatile situations over which neither they nor their caregivers have any control. Thus they fail to develop a conception of themselves as free individuals capable of making choices and acting on them to shape their lives, instead reacting to crises that are only magnified by their poor ability to plan ahead or reflect. This doesn’t just affect educational success – studies have shown that a low sense of control over one’s life has major health impacts in all areas, regardless of finances or access to health .
Executive function skills such as impulse control, emotional regulation, attention management, prioritization of tasks, and working memory draw on a limited supply of mental energy. But the day-to-day insecurities of life in poverty interfere with these functions by releasing stress hormones that direct energy away from them towards more basic survival mechanisms. Regular exposure to these stresses in childhood can inhibit early development of the neural connections that enable executive function, leaving children with both academic and behavioral problem The availability of well-paid unskilled jobs created a virtual cycle that allowed families to enter the middle class within a generation as uneducated factory workers raised stable families and sent their children to college. But in today’s knowledge-based economy, moving out of poverty is far more complex. With more competition for unskilled work and a minimum wage that has not kept up with inflation, attaining economic independence requires more education, planning, and interpersonal skills – precisely the areas in which low-income individuals are disadvantaged to begin with.
Thank you very much @slowwalker for your comment. I appreciate all the support you have done for @SchoolForSDG4 and for me @Azizbd . May be I can't reach all of you but I remember all your generous support. I am also running another project to support mother of the children since 7 January, 2017 . The project helps underprivileged women to get handicraft training at @WomenEmpowerment and empower themselves. I lately started blogging about the women empowerment project on steemit . Both projects also helping me to gain personal support for @Azizbd too. And This is how I am living on steemit :)
I'm not the first time reading about your work and I see that you are making some progress. I fully support the words of Nelson Mandela. Only through education can we change the world. Therefore, giving children from disadvantaged families an education we can change their lives.
Education is the chance for every person to influence their own destiny and their further life. I believe that every person on earth has the right to receive a quality image. Education must be accessible to everyone, regardless of living conditions or social status.
Thanks to education, we can give the world not only progressive young people, but we can influence the fate of these people.
Having received a quality education, a person can change his destiny himself. But unfortunately not everyone benefits that people would be intelligent and educated. There is a category of ruling elite for which it is vital to have a poor class that is undergoing manipulation.
Thanks to such enterprising people, the world is getting a little better and smarter.
Thank you
I am happy that you know about the project before and also I remember your support before. Thank you for taking the time to comment and vote on this post. This greatly helps the 60 students that attend the @SchoolForSDG4 in Bangladesh and makes a difference in our whole community.
I recently shared a short post about how @Azizbd and his charity school -- I was on and off Steemit, not really making time for it, until I discovered how he was using it to fund his charities (the school, the snack program, and helping providing training for students' mothers). After that, I was motivated to at least log in once a day to see how the projects were going and to provide my upvote and re-steem. Isn't it heartening how something that takes nothing away from us can do so. much. good? It's amazing.
(I do have a short blog post on my feed, and I am donating anything it raises right to the school--such a simple, easy way to help. I see others are doing it, too and I think it's great that we are forming a community around this community.)
The school has 60 students... let that sink in... 60... imagine the work in coordinating with those students and their families, providing healthy snacks, providing a hot meal, etc. etc. out of the goodness of your heart and the desire to see change... I am beyond inspired to help where I can (by blogging, etc.) and to help out in my own community more.
Love, love, love this post! Thank you for sharing! (This IS an island that I want to live on!)
Thank you for featuring @Azizab and his charitable projects--this is what Steem can do. And this is why I am hooked on the platform!
Thank you very much @jessicakluthe . The way you are supporting the cause is excellent. Not only the charity, you are supporting me and many other people by spending some time here. it reveals how beautiful human you are ! I wish you best of luck.
I was excited to hear about this effort by @adsactly when @Azizbd told me about it. It has been wonderful to watch the growth of @SchoolForSDG4, and the increase in followers and supporters. I am impressed with what @Azizbd has accomplished, along with all the supporters of the program.
I love your Nelson Mandela quote. It cannot be said better than that.
There is still so much yet to be done for @SchoolForSDG4 and @WomenEmpowerment. I have done a small part, but was excited to see your post and this effort. This will get the word out to so many more people. And, it is great to see the response you have received. It is heart-warming to see this kind of support.
Thank you @r2cornell I am happy to see you read the post in your busy time. I just have seen your generous donation again to @SchoolForSDG4 . So much happy for your continuous support. The post made the school more visible.
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. -Billy Graham
It's heartening, isn't it! I just chatted with @Azizbd about the support he's getting on this post, and he is so, so happy! This is indeed what the new world can look like -- how amazing is that?!
“You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.”
― Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes
As you enter their place, the kids surround you saying “Good Morning Sir” and pass the most cheerful smiles existing in this universe. Not only they learn, they teach you many things. Whenever I’m standing, they’ll bring a chair and make me sit on it comfortably. They teach you respect and happiness .They teach us how to care.
Few weeks before you talked about Helping Myanmar kids, now this time it's Bangladesh..you guys have seriously earned respect..I love you for this..Though this is not a problem only in Bangladesh but I guess in all Asian countries, their grassroot level education system is just poor or worst I would day, here I am not talking about the education by private schools, I'm talking about the educational system run by govt..The ratio in my country for teacher to student is high, high no. Of teachers and less no. Of students.Teachers get paid heavily by govt but since the children belong to poor people or middle class, they don't even know how to speak in English. The results in govt schools are worst as compared by privatised schools..It's a serious issue out here,as no family wants to send any of the child to Govt schools fearing thr degradation..The govt and the corruption and the power altogether makes it worse as they, To power is corruption and To absolute power is absolute corruption..Our basic needs are corrupted
Teachers get paid heavily by govt but since the children belong to poor people or middle class, they don't even know how to speak in English.
@SchoolForSDG4 is a charity school run by me without any financial support from govt. As a teacher, I don't receive any financial support from govt or organization. I try to fundraise on steemit for myself by blogging from @Azizbd . Also you are right that kids have many difficulties for family financial status. I am so happy that you made the valuable comment for us. Thanks for helping and making comment
Congrats on your great work. As a Steemian, I'm proud and salute of your effort. Hope this charity will continue to grow along with Steemit and I wish you all the best
hank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here.
Wow! Your such a kindhearted @azizbd . Knowing somebody who has really a big heart to anybody to fulfill all their dreams. May you continue to help them and may God blessed you always.
During my time at Steemit I have learned a lot and this has changed the way I see things, everything arrives in its moment no matter the time or the place everything depends on the opportunities that may arise and the capacity we have for take advantage of 100%.
We can build a tower of ideas and turn them into reality, if we focus on what we want it sounds like something that only happens in movies but the truth is that in Steemit dreams can come true, with motivation and vision to the future to achieve what we want.
Within Steemit there are endless projects that have great ideas, others that are in full growth as well as some projects with more humanitarian purposes that really leave the name of steemit at the top of the world filling the entire community with pride . These projects generate enough energy in this platform to continue working on innovative projects. This brings a great responsibility, since our most loyal followers are waiting for good content and ideas that can help us grow as a group and we can share this knowledge with the other users that make up the Steemit family. @adsactly May God bless you, here in Venezuela we are making a change thanks to Steemit, with donations and supporting an entire community.
Apart from upvoting and resteeming this post, how can one support the campaign. Are there ways to which we, as a community can come together and take such acts on a larger scale.
you are blessed.
Doing the right thing with money, which is helping others.
Children must be given love and taken care of which is what you are doing.
You will be rewarded magnificently @adsactly
In this world just one percent people is holding big part of the entire wealth.One of the most important reason is lack of education.If people get educated then they will be concern about their right.Happiness is not something ready-made.It comes from your own actions and making someone smile is a very noble job.I am sure whatever you are doing it making you happy.Thank's for such helpful effort for the people.@upvoted and resteemed
That is a kinds of initiative which will change the world.@adsactly sir people like you is highly needed in this world right now.Education is a kind of weapon which no one can take from you,if you give food some one he will have that just once but if you educate some one then it is going to help him through his entire life.Thank's for such wonderful effort.@upvoted and resteemed
Thank you for your comment. Adsactly is not a person but a community. it has many initiatives and the charity support is one of them. I invite you to join adsactly community too. Also thanks for your support to the charity.
WOW! What a great way to help the underprivileged childrens. As a Bangladeshi, it makes me proud. If more schools like this is established our country will soon be free from the curse of Illiteracy. I wish all the best for your school.
It hepls to develop the Health and intellectual development of Underprivileged children. Wow! It is very good plan for mankind. It can make population to human power of any country. In our country (Bangladesh) opend a program name school feeding program under #WFP. We are very thankfull to #WFP.
Great work, thanks again. @adsactly
Wow! Its a great job..sharing our blessings to young and destitute people really had a good impact in you..its one of a good traits..i am happy for that act.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here
I am proud to see that Steemit is being used to help children get free education. You are doing great work @adsactly. Education is a must, and there should be more free education in other poor countries as well.
Thank you very much @monajam for your comment and supporting the cause. hope you will find more info from @schoolForSDG4 blog posts.
Wonderful idea. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, I will
You have my full support. I'm glad to see posts like this where ordinary people can help children in other parts of the globe. UV-R!
My heart reaches out to those kids in need. I've never had an opportunity to teach kids other than Chinese but I wish I could get to know them too even via online teaching. If teaching kids is for you, you're going to miss it. There will come a point when you'd do it for free. I hope more people will come together and help them.
Let's hope so, We still have long way to go. Join our journey with @SchoolForSDG4 and I know together we can to better for the world. Have a great day.
love,,,,, my country all school
You know I have little time for Steemit nowadays but I'm glad we can support other children by upvoting. This platform is amazing! I considered online teaching too. I have seen how you teach @j-alhomestudio, but teaching just to earn extra money won't work for me. It's just not my cup of tea. I admire those people who set up free schools and teach for the love of it. Many teachers in the Philippines are like that. I'm sure they will vote for this post too if they joined Steemit.
Ask for help like my post for a while
Thank you @thevoysing for your nice comment. I loved your Rancho Verde video on Fb and happy to know your passion about music. I am glad to received the support for the kids.
good replay dear @j-alhomestudio
I am happy to see helpful people like you. Would you support me not helping my students? you can look at my new account profile. you can ask if you have any information. I teach at a village school.
Thank you @j-alhomestudio from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here. I am happy for your full support now and This is why I am sharing my kids voice here. Have a great day.
Great work! I'm sure that we need more free schools in many countries. In the Philippines, free tuition fee for college is now provided by the government. Other schools like LaVerdad Christian School provides free meals and books,etc. Let us all support these movements.
wow, thats a noble endeavor! hoping that this great work of charity be followed by our fellow steemians esp to those merciful hearted whales :)
how are you?hi dear @elizahfhaye
awesome article Dear @hiroyamagishi
OPen this https://steemit.com/charity/@komail/help-other-charity-give
Thank you for taking the time to comment and vote on this post. This greatly helps the 60 students that attend the @SchoolForSDG4 in Bangladesh and makes a difference in our whole community.
I love the way you look at the things. Raising a regular amount of money is obviously important to many just to keep going in this school. Fundraisers like you not only helps to bring in much needed cash but can also raise the profile of you and other steemiens on steemit in a amazing way. Many ideas are tried and tested but the really great fundraisers come about when people try to think outside the box a little bit. You are the living proof, just look at the comments every time you release your post regarding fundraising. A good way to start is by looking at your surrounding, at poor people needs, at homeless animal needs. Even wild and wacky ideas can work if you can get enough people behind them. If you anyone is passionate about your cause it will shine through in all your fundraising activities! I wish you @adsactly and @azizbd the best and I’m praying for all over the world homeless and poor children.
very effective article dear @milano1113
Thank you for supporting @SchoolForSDG4 and the 60 students and their families that we support. It means so much! The 60 students of @SchoolForSDG4, myself, and the teachers of the school are so grateful for the support. Thank you for taking time to vote and comment. I joined on steemit more than a year ago and I was only sharing it as my social work and I realised that I should make separate fundraising account. now my @Azizbd get nice support for myself and @schoolforsdg4 receive support for school.
Please do not upvote this reply as I would rather you save the Cost for another post like this.
I must start with saying that I am absolutely floored by the initiative taken on by @azizbd for starting and running this school. As a teacher I completely understand the desire not only to provide an educatio, which every single child is entitled to, but for making sure that these kids are not only educated but fed and mlooked after. Being from Canada we don’t see the level of poverty that is experienced in many places around the world but we do have poverty. I have worked in schools were the kids in your class are just so happy to be at school because it a a safe place to be for 7 hours and they don’t have to worry about the stresses that are their real life. I have had 6 year old kids in grade 1 come to school with no lunch and have no idea how they were getting home at the end of the day.
The lunch program at our school during my practice teaching always impressed me. We were providing a meal for kids that otherwise would have gone the entire day and possibly the night without eating. Sometimes people in the education community get caught up in the day to day comics and goings of delivering the curriculum. My first few years as a teacher showed me that there is a whole lot more to my job then the government mandated curriculum.
Don’t get me wrong, the curriculum is very important and eagerly child in entitled to an education. They are also entitled to a healthy life where they are looked after by caring parents and have access to a full meal every day. How can we possibly educate kids who are malnutrited and suffering from mistreatment of even depression. We must first create an environment where these children feel safe and secure and then education can happen. Thank you for this post @adsactly and even more so thank you for getting involved in such a great initiative!!!
We have % allocated for serious comments! And yours is defintely one!
good articleDear @broncofan99
Your comment gave me confidence and more mental support. I am very happy to learn about how kids get support from school in Canada. It also helping me to develop my school facilities. I arrange weekly fruits program for kids and Monthly hot meal arrangement for these 60 slum children . We will keep developing the project when we have continuous sustainable income. Hope one day we will able to give them food every day and also full day education. For now, we arrange class for 2 hours ( elementary and class one, two) and 3 hours for class three.
For any kind of information, please contact me. your knowledge and experience can be a great donation for the kids educational development. And you might know how you can support them better.
Each school fundraisers differently, it must be extremely harder in area's where there are so many people struggling, many schools do actions or sell stuff the kids have made for your school with limited funds showing the kids art work, one post per child with them explaining the process, this is where you could ask the mothers to come and help so all you need to do is type and get the kids to take pictures so it's a learning process for them also.
Something that is very labor intensive but would that help with bringing gifts to benefit the kids to have an extra snack or hot meal, it would be well worth it.
or asking businesses for donations for art supplies or tshirts were the kids could design stuff to show thru the steemit blog (where you would offer them free advertisement in the blog posts where their donation gifts are shown.) but also to sell that could cover their education and meals for the longer term.
It's great to follow the progress that is happening with the kids.
On thing @Azizbd is doing is getting training for the mothers of his 60 students so that they can sell their handiwork (embroidery...etc.). This allows the family to bring in some income and make sure the students are able to attend school (instead of spend the day working for what amount to about $2 per day).
awesome reply
please come on my blog
dear /@biglipsmama
Underprivileged Children can seek for the education but there are many more problems faced like from the very birth we know Cognitive capacity is not just a matter of genetics, but can be strongly influenced by external factors like prenatal drug use, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, and exposure to stress and violence. All of these are more prevalent in low-income households, and affect cognitive development from the prenatal stage through adulthood.
Parents with higher education and income are more likely to engage children with questions and dialogue that invite creative responses, while parents in poverty often lack the time and energy for anything more than simple and goal-oriented command.
Children growing up in poverty often experience life as a series of volatile situations over which neither they nor their caregivers have any control. Thus they fail to develop a conception of themselves as free individuals capable of making choices and acting on them to shape their lives, instead reacting to crises that are only magnified by their poor ability to plan ahead or reflect. This doesn’t just affect educational success – studies have shown that a low sense of control over one’s life has major health impacts in all areas, regardless of finances or access to health .
Executive function skills such as impulse control, emotional regulation, attention management, prioritization of tasks, and working memory draw on a limited supply of mental energy. But the day-to-day insecurities of life in poverty interfere with these functions by releasing stress hormones that direct energy away from them towards more basic survival mechanisms. Regular exposure to these stresses in childhood can inhibit early development of the neural connections that enable executive function, leaving children with both academic and behavioral problem The availability of well-paid unskilled jobs created a virtual cycle that allowed families to enter the middle class within a generation as uneducated factory workers raised stable families and sent their children to college. But in today’s knowledge-based economy, moving out of poverty is far more complex. With more competition for unskilled work and a minimum wage that has not kept up with inflation, attaining economic independence requires more education, planning, and interpersonal skills – precisely the areas in which low-income individuals are disadvantaged to begin with.
just for your articlethank you dear @obaidb2
Thank you for very informative response. @obaidb2 we really appreciate it .
Nice work
I support your charity school
good comments
please come on my blogDear @slowwalker
Thank you very much @slowwalker for your comment. I appreciate all the support you have done for @SchoolForSDG4 and for me @Azizbd . May be I can't reach all of you but I remember all your generous support. I am also running another project to support mother of the children since 7 January, 2017 . The project helps underprivileged women to get handicraft training at @WomenEmpowerment and empower themselves. I lately started blogging about the women empowerment project on steemit . Both projects also helping me to gain personal support for @Azizbd too. And This is how I am living on steemit :)
I'm not the first time reading about your work and I see that you are making some progress. I fully support the words of Nelson Mandela. Only through education can we change the world. Therefore, giving children from disadvantaged families an education we can change their lives.
Education is the chance for every person to influence their own destiny and their further life. I believe that every person on earth has the right to receive a quality image. Education must be accessible to everyone, regardless of living conditions or social status.
Thanks to education, we can give the world not only progressive young people, but we can influence the fate of these people.
Having received a quality education, a person can change his destiny himself. But unfortunately not everyone benefits that people would be intelligent and educated. There is a category of ruling elite for which it is vital to have a poor class that is undergoing manipulation.
Thanks to such enterprising people, the world is getting a little better and smarter.
Thank you
I am happy that you know about the project before and also I remember your support before. Thank you for taking the time to comment and vote on this post. This greatly helps the 60 students that attend the @SchoolForSDG4 in Bangladesh and makes a difference in our whole community.
Love the help you are providing these children...
Thanks for supporting the school! @Azizbd is overwhelmed with happiness! I just chatted with him.
We want justice in the world
Amazing initiative .. well done
I recently shared a short post about how @Azizbd and his charity school -- I was on and off Steemit, not really making time for it, until I discovered how he was using it to fund his charities (the school, the snack program, and helping providing training for students' mothers). After that, I was motivated to at least log in once a day to see how the projects were going and to provide my upvote and re-steem. Isn't it heartening how something that takes nothing away from us can do so. much. good? It's amazing.
(I do have a short blog post on my feed, and I am donating anything it raises right to the school--such a simple, easy way to help. I see others are doing it, too and I think it's great that we are forming a community around this community.)
The school has 60 students... let that sink in... 60... imagine the work in coordinating with those students and their families, providing healthy snacks, providing a hot meal, etc. etc. out of the goodness of your heart and the desire to see change... I am beyond inspired to help where I can (by blogging, etc.) and to help out in my own community more.
Love, love, love this post! Thank you for sharing! (This IS an island that I want to live on!)
Thank you for featuring @Azizab and his charitable projects--this is what Steem can do. And this is why I am hooked on the platform!
Thank you very much @jessicakluthe . The way you are supporting the cause is excellent. Not only the charity, you are supporting me and many other people by spending some time here. it reveals how beautiful human you are ! I wish you best of luck.
Thumbs up dear..
I was excited to hear about this effort by @adsactly when @Azizbd told me about it. It has been wonderful to watch the growth of @SchoolForSDG4, and the increase in followers and supporters. I am impressed with what @Azizbd has accomplished, along with all the supporters of the program.
I love your Nelson Mandela quote. It cannot be said better than that.
There is still so much yet to be done for @SchoolForSDG4 and @WomenEmpowerment. I have done a small part, but was excited to see your post and this effort. This will get the word out to so many more people. And, it is great to see the response you have received. It is heart-warming to see this kind of support.
Thank you.
Thank you @r2cornell I am happy to see you read the post in your busy time. I just have seen your generous donation again to @SchoolForSDG4 . So much happy for your continuous support. The post made the school more visible.
Thanks for mentioning me. I'm so glad @lindahas told me about this project - glad to be a part of it!
Same here!
good read
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. -Billy Graham
Thank you for your comment. YOu said something special and I try to create best legacy by teaching them.
Good post @adsactly
Oh this is how the new world looks like. Together we can make the world a better place to live in.
I’m in this with you.
It's heartening, isn't it! I just chatted with @Azizbd about the support he's getting on this post, and he is so, so happy! This is indeed what the new world can look like -- how amazing is that?!
In disadvantaged neighborhoods, many children will never go to school or leave school until the end, which blocks their access to vocational training.
What you do is remarkable ... good continuation
Thank you for supporting @SchoolForSDG4 and the 60 students and their families that we support. It means so much!
I appreciate your work @adsactly. I think you are one of the best on steemit who are doing an amazing work for the community.
“You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.”
― Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes
As you enter their place, the kids surround you saying “Good Morning Sir” and pass the most cheerful smiles existing in this universe. Not only they learn, they teach you many things. Whenever I’m standing, they’ll bring a chair and make me sit on it comfortably. They teach you respect and happiness .They teach us how to care.
Few weeks before you talked about Helping Myanmar kids, now this time it's Bangladesh..you guys have seriously earned respect..I love you for this..Though this is not a problem only in Bangladesh but I guess in all Asian countries, their grassroot level education system is just poor or worst I would day, here I am not talking about the education by private schools, I'm talking about the educational system run by govt..The ratio in my country for teacher to student is high, high no. Of teachers and less no. Of students.Teachers get paid heavily by govt but since the children belong to poor people or middle class, they don't even know how to speak in English. The results in govt schools are worst as compared by privatised schools..It's a serious issue out here,as no family wants to send any of the child to Govt schools fearing thr degradation..The govt and the corruption and the power altogether makes it worse as they, To power is corruption and To absolute power is absolute corruption..Our basic needs are corrupted
@SchoolForSDG4 is a charity school run by me without any financial support from govt. As a teacher, I don't receive any financial support from govt or organization. I try to fundraise on steemit for myself by blogging from @Azizbd . Also you are right that kids have many difficulties for family financial status. I am so happy that you made the valuable comment for us. Thanks for helping and making comment
ما شاء الله
Congrats on your great work. As a Steemian, I'm proud and salute of your effort. Hope this charity will continue to grow along with Steemit and I wish you all the best
hank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here.
Wow! Your such a kindhearted @azizbd . Knowing somebody who has really a big heart to anybody to fulfill all their dreams. May you continue to help them and may God blessed you always.
Thank you @rezel for your comment. I really appricate your support for the cause. God bless you too.
Your welcome @azizbd, I salute you for doing it.
During my time at Steemit I have learned a lot and this has changed the way I see things, everything arrives in its moment no matter the time or the place everything depends on the opportunities that may arise and the capacity we have for take advantage of 100%.
We can build a tower of ideas and turn them into reality, if we focus on what we want it sounds like something that only happens in movies but the truth is that in Steemit dreams can come true, with motivation and vision to the future to achieve what we want.
Within Steemit there are endless projects that have great ideas, others that are in full growth as well as some projects with more humanitarian purposes that really leave the name of steemit at the top of the world filling the entire community with pride . These projects generate enough energy in this platform to continue working on innovative projects. This brings a great responsibility, since our most loyal followers are waiting for good content and ideas that can help us grow as a group and we can share this knowledge with the other users that make up the Steemit family. @adsactly May God bless you, here in Venezuela we are making a change thanks to Steemit, with donations and supporting an entire community.
Please check out this initiative: Helping Venezuela with Crypto. DavidHay's Mass Adoption Plan
- I give a very brief historical background and explain @Davidhay's plan to help Venezuela with crypto.
I hope you and your loved ones are well!
Thank you so much!
Apart from upvoting and resteeming this post, how can one support the campaign. Are there ways to which we, as a community can come together and take such acts on a larger scale.
My two cents would be to regularly up-vote the posts that come from the school's account and help to provide continual income for it that way.
I appreciate that. Following you now.
Wawww...wonderfull post...
Education is a weapon of self defence and also an instrument necessary in making the world a better place.
well said. Thanks for your comment
This advocacy is really really nicee! Goodluck! :)
you are blessed.
Doing the right thing with money, which is helping others.
Children must be given love and taken care of which is what you are doing.
You will be rewarded magnificently @adsactly
I hope so, @Adsactly deserves it for all the great support to steemit platform. thanks for making comment
In this world just one percent people is holding big part of the entire wealth.One of the most important reason is lack of education.If people get educated then they will be concern about their right.Happiness is not something ready-made.It comes from your own actions and making someone smile is a very noble job.I am sure whatever you are doing it making you happy.Thank's for such helpful effort for the people.@upvoted and resteemed
It makes me happy of course. Thanks for your support by upvote and resteem
That is a kinds of initiative which will change the world.@adsactly sir people like you is highly needed in this world right now.Education is a kind of weapon which no one can take from you,if you give food some one he will have that just once but if you educate some one then it is going to help him through his entire life.Thank's for such wonderful effort.@upvoted and resteemed
Thank you for your comment. Adsactly is not a person but a community. it has many initiatives and the charity support is one of them. I invite you to join adsactly community too. Also thanks for your support to the charity.
awesome content!
You are doing a great job.Keep going.We all are with you.
WOW! What a great way to help the underprivileged childrens. As a Bangladeshi, it makes me proud. If more schools like this is established our country will soon be free from the curse of Illiteracy. I wish all the best for your school.
It hepls to develop the Health and intellectual development of Underprivileged children.
Wow! It is very good plan for mankind. It can make population to human power of any country. In our country (Bangladesh) opend a program name school feeding program under #WFP. We are very thankfull to #WFP. Great work, thanks again. @adsactly
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Thank You! ⚜
Good deeds, the spirit is always for school children to learn
Read, reading can open up insights
You have my full support. I'm glad to see posts like this where ordinary people can help children in other parts of the globe.
wow.. This is so amazing. I love this, steemit really helping lifes
Of course, it helps. Thanks for support
Wow! Its a great job..sharing our blessings to young and destitute people really had a good impact in you..its one of a good traits..i am happy for that act.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my charitable school project. @SchoolForSDG4 is possible because of Steem and the generous support of the people on here
I find it very good, to help the children of Bangladesh, especially those of low income, I congratulate Steemit for helping with their funding.
wow! that is really great work.keep it up thanks for sharing.
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I too will drive into full action, to help all youths as I can 👍✨