Let's leave Facebook

in #change9 years ago

I am here about 2 or 3 days trying to realize what with this new site (I never like the concept Social Site), and also I am earlier miner of Ethereum (not rich, but miner).

Nights of thinking "why I am so attract on this 2 issues"... and todat I realize what was that thing that don't allow me even to sleep:


to hell the selling of my data that do Zuckerberg and all the rest of this kind of sites, no one of them cares about me, or if I am fine or ill (fiscally and mentally :smile: ) or if I have or not friends... To this "Social Sites" we are just products that can be sell, and they don't care if what I see or read is interesting to me.

So from now and on, and in the only interest of HACK THE SYSTEM... here it will be attention and my bloggin creativity (I am not Pablo Picasso, but I create what I want)...

Long Life to Steemit!!!

fuck Zuckerberg, NSA, youtube, etc... etc... etc...