How to spot fake Chanel Handbag

in #chanel7 years ago (edited)


I prepare for you easy manual how to spot fake Chanel bags. In these are most of eshop and offers on instagram, facebook etc full of fake items.

Yes, it is cheaper and something also bags for 2k are fakes. So beware of these items, firstly try to check deal informations, ask for detailed pictures, check every detail to recognize the real product. Anyway I advice to buy this item inly in official store or verified seller, which you know from previously deals.

Here is my simple and I hope useful points how to spot fake chanel.


The right C should overlap on top, and left C should overlap on the bottom. If it’s the other way around, it’s a fake. The width of the C should also match the width of the horizontal gap between the two Cs. overlap on the bottom. If it’s the other way around, it’s a fake. If the bag you are looking at has a CC on the inside, it should feel soft and not as if there is a card board



A low stitch count causes the quilted effect to be puffy whereas the authentic Chanel which has a high stitch count doesn’t end up puffy. The turn lock on the fake bag is also as big as the leather bit that secures the bag and the leather around the turn lock also puffs up.
The quilted stitch design was designed by Coco Chanel to resemble the quilted jackets of horse jockeys back then. There should be at least 10 stitches PER inch. Anything under (like we can see mostly 6-8) is not authentic.



The lock on the authentic bag is much flatter in shape and wider in font type whereas the lock on the fake bag is thinner in font type and bulky, rounder in shape. This iconic lock was designed by Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel. The lock designed by Chanel herself is very different from Karl Lagerfeld’s lock as it is rectangular in shape and has no Chanel logo stamping. The double C lock is also referred to as the mademoiselle lock as Chanel never married.


My favourite recognizer tool.
This is quick and powerful tool for detecting counterfeit Chanel. The screw test. Above are three types of screws you might find on a Chanel item. B and C are ok, but A (Philips head) is not. Chanel never uses Philips head screws to fasten metal hardware. This example is of a Philips head screw and is generally not be found on a Chanel handbag. This might be something that can be seen in lower class counterfeits whereas a higher quality Chanel fake might still be able to have this detail correct. See picture below


#6 - Other little useful thing is check zipper logo stamps that may be found on Chanel zippers
Company like ‘DMC’ zipper pull with a rounded double ‘C’ pull tag, YKK and Lampo zippers are synonymous with vintage Chanel bags. Lampo is an Italian famous company and has been make accessory zips since 1887.But it no so easy to spot real and replica, it needs a little but of practice and knowledge.

Beware and choose item with a little bit of knowledge.

KutrysfourPs. Some of informations is from where I took inspirations and create easier version with new pictures.


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