As I have seen there's a movie challenge by Steemit, I thought we on Hive can do this better. So I'll start a new challenge: What's your favourite movie? Of course there are more than 1. So just pick the first that springs to your mind.
Afterwards, I nominate 5 people who can/should continue with their favorite movies and nominate 5 people, too.
I'll start: Requiem for a dream (Trailer here:
Why do I love this movie:
- Jennifer Connelly (as if that wouldn't be enough ;-) )
- the soundtrack is simply great:
- the mood/vibe is extremely dark, emotional, unsettling and scary and leaves you with many things to think about.
- in my opinion this movie shows the meaning and the destructive power of a high time preference perfectly.
I nominate @xels, @nicole2016, @freiheit50, @guruvaj, @novales
This nice feat will change the time preference of many people:
soundtrack für 2020
Ja, das hier würde aber auch gut passen (v.a. wenn man sich mal den Inhalt reinzieht):
So ganz spontan fällt mir der Film „Interstellar“ ein. Fand ich mega gut 👍
Die Challenge besteht darin, einen kurzen Post zu schreiben, nicht einen einzeiligen Comment 😉
My favorite actor Jared Leto from Blade Runner 2049 and Mr Nobody <3
This movie is timeless and yes the soundtrack is unforgettable it’s a real assault on the senses and one of those dark films that will leave you with so many thoughts on how drugs can affect the mind that ass to ass scene for me was so intense
Great movie all the actors involved did a great job, Jenn, Jared and the rest
Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal.
One of a kind, dark original story.