Fougt my fear and I am proud of myself!

in #challenge2 years ago

Yesterday was World's Engineering Day and there was a big celebration planned in my office. It was a 1-day offsite trip even planned in Holiday Inn, one of the finest 5-star chains.
Preparations had been going on for days and I was nowhere involved in organizing the event. I was supposed to enjoy the event like everyone else in the organization.

Just one day before the event I got a call from my reporting manager that he wanted me to be the emcee for the event. I was driving then and without any second thoughts, I just said yes. I had never done anything of the sort before and I have stage fear too. God knows how and why I said yes to him.

The next day when I went to the office, he explained to me where he wanted me to pitch in. I digested the fact that agreed to what was offered to me at that time. And from there on started jitters, I so badly wanted to offer this role to someone else.

But then, I thought of it more and it came to my mind that if I say no to this because of my fear, what impression will it leave on my son. He would also learn this give-up attitude from me and will not take new challanges in life. So I decided to go ahead with this and make it a huge success, less for myself but more to set an example in front of Raag.

So there I was, emcee of a great event. And I did pretty well. I knew it when I was delivering and I also got this feedback from a lot of people. My reporting manager specially called to mention "It was the right decision to put to in this position." I was glad and proud of myself at the same time.

Here are some pictures that my friends took of me.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-26 at 2.50.31 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-26 at 2.50.31 PM.jpeg

When Raag grows up, I am going to tell him this story to encourage him to accept new challenges in life and bravely fight them.