
I am literally googly-eyed over how adorable Little Man is on his bike. Oh my gosh, I just want to squeeze him! LOL I remember when my boys were that small. <3 <3 <3

He is definitely a beauty! I can't show pictures of faces or anything that would be identifying features but he's still a cutie even from behind! I would like him to stay two forever...

I have a friend who is going through the same exact thing. She can only show pictures from behind. I love toddler's diaper butt and chubby legs. Makes me want to munch on those little rug rats. LOL

I attempted to write today a few different times. Unfortunately my head and heart are completely focused on one thing today as we move into a very stressful week. So I will make today a day where I read the works of others and give encouragement as I can!