
Crap!! Haha, I put the link on here to today's post about two hours ago, which was already late, but I responded to my own comment.

I gotcha! ;)
I'm actually going to wait to do a final sweep through the actual post as I go through the comments thread. Might have to do a sister post for new links. This one has truly earned "the BEAST" nickname. This is getting nuts. ha!

My computer would most humbly thank you if you did a sister post, haha! It is really difficult to get the comment section to load with my dinosaur! I need to get a new laptop, this is clear. Though the one I want is going to have to wait until our winter business is in full swing, so this old girl has to keep on chugging for several months :)

I know this feeling. I want to save up for a much coveted macbook even though I've been a PC girl forever. New post for links coming up this evening after I get the Daily diary posted :)

Ahh, well you won't find it because I used today to ready a few posts in a row instead of putting one up ;) I've been having some trouble with my camera uploading which I finally sorted out.

Sorry it's so late in the day, I tried doing it earlier but sometimes this old laptop has trouble loading posts with large comment sections, lol, here it is: