I'd never thought I would get upvote 0.72 within 24 mins after uploading my first post. Thank you for reading and supporting me. Honestly, it was hard for me to make this decision, knowing the fact that the post will stay here forever. Also, making my Instagram account public and showing people about my personal life. That was a big milestone for me.
Day 1 recap:
Recently, I have been working from home. In case you are reading my post and have been curious about my time being so flexible. I'll talk more about working from home in my next post.

7.30 a.m - I woke up and played with my dog, Bosscoe. Get change and be in front of my computer by 8 a.m
What I did the rest of the day?
I was learning a course online called - Personal Branding: Crafting Your Social Media Presence by the founder of Wit and Delight, Kate Arends
It is a strategic class on how to create, evolve, and leverage your online personal brand for growth! To know more about it, click the Link here to try Premium Membership free for 2 months.
Food I consume
I had my brunch- 2 pieces of Sirloin Steak at 10.15 a.m which I had marinated it the day before.
Late lunch at 4.20 p.m, so that I would not feel hungry after working out at night.

Workout I did
Box Step-up
Dumbbell Cleans 5 kg
Front Squats
Skierg 32 cal/ 21cal/ 15cal
Dumbbell Push Jerks 5kg
How to see my updates?
I’ll be Instagram Story-ing what I’ll be doing, foods I eat and videos of workout I do.
Nice write up!
Keep it up! 😉
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