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RE: "Go Beyond" Challenge #1 - with @evecab

in #challenge7 years ago

One of my weakness is speaking in public. I have never enjoyed making expositions or presentations and I always struggle when I was forced to make them because of academic requirements. Even if I know a subject 100% if I need to make a presentation in front of a lot of people I will probably do it bad.

A complete different story is if I need to take a test or do an investigation, writing is much more easy to me, and it allows me to express myself better.

This is why I put in my introduction that “I don’t stutter when writing” lol


This reminds of a really interesting study by a sociologist called Edwin Lemert - he looked at stuttering among NW coast Indian tribes and found that stuttering only existed among those tribes which put an emphasis on public speaking (i.e. status was linked to your ability to speak in public), in those tribes where there was no such public-speaking-status norm, stuttering simply didn't exist!

Lucky we've got the Net!

I wonder why they got those Results?

the idea is that stuttering is socially constructed - i.e. it's only emerges because of the stress induced by public speaking. It's an extreme development of labelling theory - someone fails at school because they are labelled a failure... someone develops a stutter because society says they MUST speak in public and be good at it.

Fastest entry I have ever seen 2 minutes! I see writing definitely comes easy to you. Two minutes man..

I can imagine, it's a big hurdle to overcome. Everybody has something, I hope in time you will learn to deal with it. @dedicatedguy

Thank you for always entering the events :)

I really appreciate to you have you in our community 😄

ahhh I've always hated public speaking! I manage to fake it pretty well, but I always get very nervous!

Yeah! Sometimes I wish I could put a robot there to speak for me hahhaha

Same boat I stutter if I will be speaking in front of others may it be reportings and stuff. From stuttering to knees being shaky and sometimes unable to read the index card I experience that and still experiencing it.

I always stay behind the background but told myself that if I want to change I need to step up and do it. As of today I am still stuttering but very attacks left.

You have my "vote" 💪🤝