Good, because last week I didn't want to write about "shade" and felt bad about it when I saw that the week passed, until I read this comment. Thanks.
t’s all about writing what you want to write
Good, because last week I didn't want to write about "shade" and felt bad about it when I saw that the week passed, until I read this comment. Thanks.
t’s all about writing what you want to write
Never feel bad, my friend! We must all lighten up a little and enjoy the creative process. In case I haven't stated this often enough, you don't even need to include the prompt word in your story. For example, if "shade" made you think of a jerk in sunglasses, or an umbrella over a patio where snooty people are having martinis, or a place for a hobo to rest on a hot summer day... but the word "shade" didn't actually seem to fit with your story, that is okay. Just leave it out.
I know you always said that, but it's easy to slip from my mind...
Well, this time my current story has a danger feel even if I couldn't include the word. Wait for it!!
I will wait as patiently as possible! 😊