
All righty! Getting it in early. Woot!
And you've already got 141 posts under your belt. A good strategy is getting 7 posts done and out of the way then focusing on your comments count. Just an idea ;)

Yep, I finished yesterday only 20 short of 150 so 70 is the goal today to get caught up, but we'll see. I've posted my blog from my esteem app yesterday and today. Now that was a challenge.

And that was with the article ready to go just copy and paste from an email.

I've played with esteem a little bit on my phone and I can definitely seeing the value of that, especially if you're on the road. It is cumbersome trying to type on a tiny keyboard and, of course "my friend" auto-spell/correct. GRRRR.

That's some pretty good goal setting @aboutyourbiz - don't forget to take some "ME TIME" :)

I have a love/hate relationship with auto correct.

It's a temporary sacrifice, just so I don't get so far behind I can't finish.

That is a great attitude to keep <3