My Chakra Chakra Chakra

in #chakra7 years ago

Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven major chakras,  The 3 chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side deals with our ego , the heart the midway to the highest chakras which is 0our mental side.

Root Chakra is blocked by Fear when open you feel grounded safe and secure when over-active you tend to be  materialistic and greedy

Sacral Chakra is blocked by guilt  when open your feelings/emotions flow freely when over active you tend emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual nd emotional.

Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked by  Guilt &  Shame when open you feel in control confident when over active aggressive and domineering

Heart Chakra is blocked by Sorrow  when open you feel The right to love and be loved compassionate and friendly when overactive suffocate people with love for selfish reasons

Throat Chakra is blocked by Lies  when open you speak and hear truth you have no problems expressing yourself when overactive you tend to speak to much and your not a good listener

Third Eye Chakra is blocked by Illusion when open you have a good intuition your one with the divine when overactive you tend to live in a fantasy world

Crown Chakra is blocked Attachment  when open your unprejudiced and aware of your connection to the world when underactive  you tend intellectualize things too much or my be  rigid in thinking