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RE: How to host a Chaincoin Masternode on windows.

in #chaincoin7 years ago

HI Jeff, I wish to set up multiple masternodes on my windows computer, might that be possible? Can you show me how, please? Please contact me if possible, my email is thanks so much! Dave


HI there David, thank you for reading my blog. Unfortunately whilst hosting multiple nodes on windows is great unfortunately they crash after 1 hour or so, Some people get around this by creating macros to always start up the masternodes every 10 minutes. If you want to host multiple I recommend Ubuntu right now. I have spoken to Rolihlala the developer and he will resolve the issues with windows. Once it is solved I will make another blog on how to host multiple masternodes.

For some reason this seems to be a bug in the client, and is not related to just chaincoin, if anyone knows what the reason for this is Id love to know currently you need to do something like this, just copy and paste it into a batch file...

"C:\Program Files\Chaincoin\daemon\chaincoin-cli.exe" masternode start
timeout /t 900 /nobreak
goto :loop

I just have chaincoin-qt.exe and the batch file doesnt work for me tries to reopen wallet. Any other suggestions?