I enjoyed the layout of your post and having enough white space where I couldn't wait to scroll down and learn more.
This has been a subject that I have been going over with my family, friends, and coworkers about how soon we will be replaced by robots and free to create.
With the exceptions being my spouse and a few close friends. Everyone has thought of me as being crazy. The usual line is, "There is no way a robot can do my job ". Currently, I work in an office building with accountants, lawyers and other types of paper pushers. I tell them there is already a robot or AI doing your job right now, when they roll out in mass production and low cost, you will be replaced. A lot of them roll their eyes and ignore me.
I know that the future is already here and I'm now learning new skills knowing that one day soon I will be replaced. Less than ten years ago, everyone thought that smartphones weren't going to be a thing. Look how fast that changed.
Thank you for the post. Followed. =)
Good for you! Many people have no clue how big and how fast the change is going to happen. I am figuring out too how to re-skill: In my article I have some links to good sources and videos here:
Must reads are
Kevin Kelly's The inevitable
Dan Pink A Whole new mind
Peter Diamandis Bold, Abundance
I am glad you enjoyed it. I actually quit my job at a Web Development and Digital Marketing Agency for the exact reason you had in your office. I felt like the agency was too content with its position in the market. I wanted to learn bot development, marketing automation, and machine learning. I discovered SitePal and saw how eCommerce stores were using chat-bots with artificial intelligence to make each visitor to their site feel unique. When you are working at a small to medium enterprise, usually they are myopic to opportunity and set in their ways. The problem is there is so much innovation happening right now that if you aren't looking into how to build your business atop a blockchain, or how to utilize machine learning and automation, you have basically decide to retire within the next few years.
It's all about the price of the robot vs. the value you get out of it. People seem to get really offended when you point out a robot can/ will/ is do(ing) their job. But the facts are facts. I think it is a defense mechanism to push away the fact that a "dumb" robot can make them an outdated relic in an instant as soon as the price is right.
The next logical question is, do we need to re-think money and how we use it?
I think we already are rethinking money and how we are using it. Everyone on steemit especially, but a 5 second glance at anyone of the top ten crypto charts and it's clear a new way of thinking about money and value is taking hold of us all.
Exactly. But I get a "can not compute" from people I try to inform. Maybe I'm a bad explainer, at least I tried, buy now or cry later I wont get left behind.
You have to tell them it's going to the moon. I don't know if it works, but it seems to be what all the chat bots would say in the trollbox on Poloniex. They had to shut it down because of all the moon talk, but I think those chatbots were on to something because the last I checked Bitcoin is running on jet fuel.
You mean the jet fuel you would use to go to the moon? :)
Maybe, is Elon Musk not using jet fuel anymore? It's running on solar panels then. I don't know, but it's running.