My thought on using emojis as an universal language for communication 💡

in #chainbb-general8 years ago (edited)

After reading the posta common language for all the humans in this world , A though immediatly came to my mind, how about using emojis for communication instead of language. by our fellow steemian @flatrider about his thoughts on

Infact, This is not a new idea. Pictographs were used all around the world by ancient civilizations used to forward the information to the next generations. It was an effective way.

We have people speaking thousands of languages around the world. In this digital age, English is the dominating language. You have to know it to atleast to some extent to use the internet efficiently. Majority people are non english speakers & find it difficult to speak & understand english😞 So using emojis is a very efficient way to convey our feelings 💡

Computers helped us overcoming a lot of problems. Why not ease of communication?
Emojis are a gift to the internet. They are the new era pictographs. Although, We are already using them widely along with text, but what if we can express our feelings entirely through them?

Let me know your thoughts & please don't forget to 👍 & 🔄

Thanks !


I think they can be very helpful for communicating quick, simple messages and I don't object to the idea that everyone should be encouraged to learn a universal standard language. I just don't want to this to replace the languages we already speak. And I realize that it is very easy for me to say that as a native speaker of English and I have it the easiest of anyone in the world. But I already get annoyed by the substitution of symbols for language in general and as a highly verbal person I resist the trend. I can't stand how 'instructions' for putting furniture together, for example, have no words, but only some often vague, blurry drawings that leave out important details or how clothing tags no longer say "Don't use an iron on this" or "Dry clean only" but instead have a bunch of hieroglyphics. And lastly the instructions on devices, cars, phones, the internet etc. are more and more being put into pictures instead of words and I hate sitting here puzzling over what some symbol means when I can't google it.

On the other hand it is not fair to others to deny them these advances, especially if they have trouble with English. recognize that we English speakers are a spoiled bunch. So if a separate, universal language of symbols arises and becomes standard I will do my part to learn it!

Last but not least, I wish my city New York had never gotten rid of these:
walk don't walk.jpg

Thanks for adding your thoughts. Idiogarms are already being used on our roads / highways, railway stations, airports etc... They have no language barriers & everyone can understand them. Yes, its hard to express everything in emoji, We should find a solution for it. There is also a programming language invented with emojis BTW 😂

Interesting about the programming language. Will check that out. Yes, it's true road signs are ideograms and I have accepted those all my life. I have no problem with a limited system like that being used to communicate the same things all over the world. I guess I'm just not yet ready to have day to day instructions written in glyphs. Maybe I am too written word dependent, idk.

This is so good Ksk! You know my thoughts. ;-) Upvoted and following.

Followed you too 😀

Thanks Ksk! :-D

True, they certainly work as a universal lingo. Never really thought of that before

this would be way to cool, and it's not as weird an idea as it sounds!