Did you know that you could trade CFDs easily by bitcoin on our platform?

in #cfd6 years ago


As you know, CFDs are traded on other platforms like Forex, We have tried to find a way to trade CFDs easily on our platform, along with cryptocurrency. In this platform, we created a pair of currencies from some CFDs, each of which acts as a token. We will gradually support more CFDs according to the needs and volume of trades. The relevant tokens keep in our account backed by Forex platform. it means that, for each unit and token of CFDs, the same amount of CFD is held in our Forex account. In transactions, if the volume of transaction is at an acceptable and close to the global price, intra-platform transactions take place. At the time that the volume or the price of the transaction and the world price are far from each other, The system intelligently transforms the desired crypto into a USD equivalent, executes the transaction by the relevant API in the Forex platform and applies to our platform. These cases are quite fast, in a way that the user does not feel any difficulty with interruptions.
CFDs can be stored in our platform, but CFDs must be converted to one of the crypto or Fiat(USDT,…) for withdrawal. We do not have any way to transfer CFDs out of the platform.
The CFDs supported in the initial launch of the platform are:

USOil — Crude Oil (WTI)

NGAS — Natural Gas (Henry Hub)

XAU/USD — Gold

XAG/USD — Silver

Copper — Copper

all these can be traded with BTC, BIW or USDT
