Clearly the first option is the best but majority of people are hard wired to not have deep constructive discusssions. There are a few who speak for the majority and that is probably how it always will be. Majority just seem to want to go with the flow while there is a few that is very curious in pushing stuff forward to make all into a better place. Most others play a minor role.
I say that we need to build smaller tribes again where your voice truly matters. Since stuff gets too complicated when 1 person is suppose to rule over millions. But if we have smaller tribes of let's say 150 people then debates can happen again and we can start to make interesting progress. Of course we are always doing progress in society it's just that we are so up close so we can't really see it that easy.
This new Blockchain technology we are working on is awesome because we could let math deal with those major issues of power while it let's human do what they are best at more of the creative side of things.