Dear Steemit friends, I am new to this community, and want to begin bringing you a brief overview of the life of a being that it transited through this world nearly a century; time which could bring innumerable lessons to the whole world about the love of God... His message, which is still present in the minds and hearts of many people, we had the joy of knowing him, already broke barriers such as race, age, color, political belief, geographic origin, including religion, that despite that achievement to be leader of the Church Catholic, it let quality lessons in leaders of other religions.
It is: Karol Wojtyla, name with which Juan Pablo II was baptized. "The Pope traveller' for which the borders were not limits, but bridges. Then I leave dates and important events in your life.
Born in Wadowice, Poland 1920, may 18. He was the youngest of three brothers.
He lost his mother at age 9 who months earlier a baby who died also had given birth (Olga), and shortly after Edmund, the firstborn, a doctor who was infected in the exercise of their profession, being these central facts for his spiritual vocation. His parents left in Karol strongly rooted seed of the Catholic faith.
I always stood out in their studies, with a privileged mind, he studied philosophy at Kraków's Jagiellonian University. At the same time he joined a theatrical circle.
During the nazi invasion in 1939 was pawn in a quarry and worker in a chemical factory to five years to devote himself to the theatre, at the same time discover his religious vocation. A leader born, young was attractive, charismatic personality and unique magnetism to attract people. He enjoyed the respect and admiration of peers, idealistic Catholics and enthusiasts, who formed the Unia Group and that defending the weak. In 1941, in full German invasion with a fulminant heart attack died his father, officer of the Polish Army.
A tailor introduced him to san Juan de la Cruz and enthused, that furthered his calling to the priesthood. It took form in the clandestine Krakow seminar until the Archbishop, Cardinal Stefan Sapieha, hosted a group of aspirants in his palace. Ordained a priest in November 1946, he sent to Rome. He studied at the Angellicum his doctorate degree in theology with a thesis on your dear Saint and reformer Spanish Carmelite. He obtained the doctorate in spiritual theology with the thesis "Problems of faith in the writings of San Juan de la Cruz", and returns to his country as vice parish priest of Niegowic.
In the Catholic University of Lublin has taught philosophy in mid-1953, while they began conflict Church between catolica-gobierno, enter into crisis, even with the incarceration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, resulting in protest of the Pope Pius XII.
In 1958 Pope Pius XII appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow.
In 1962 he participated in the Second Vatican Council. Paul VI elected Pontiff on the death of Juan XXIII, appointed him Cardinal in 1967 and upon the death of Juan Pablo I, after their fleeting assumption of the Chair of Peter, was elected to succeed him; It took the name of this predecessor with 47 years of age.
He was elected as the first non-Italian Pope in 455 years on October 16, 1978; He started an exceptional pontificate. In love with the Eucharist and devotee of Maria, knew how to get to the heart of all irrespective of races, creeds, ages, professions... It was an athlete of Christ, priest and Bishop to exemplary, a great Shepherd.
The Pope traveller who toured the world repeatedly hugging and blessing to all. His pontificate saw the fall of the iron curtain and the collapse of the Soviet Empire, which is attributed by many scholars to the presence of a Pope of East European.
The most serious attack suffered in May 1981, was gradually undermined his health. He forgave the aggressor and continued living lighting by Christ and Mary, who rescued him from a premature death, can exercise its responsibility heroically.
Masterfully faced many problems and difficulties that are presented to him. He was a man of prayer that has always shown an imposing fortress to adversities. The last years of his life not hid the world its physical deterioration; He stood in front of the headquarters of Pedro giving example of their unchanged fidelity to Christ and the Church.
1986: Becomes the first Pope since the times of the Apostles in visiting a synagogue; called the Jews "our dear elder brothers".
1989: President Mikhail Gorbachev invited Juan Pablo to the Soviet Union, although he never accepts the offer.
1992: After 359 years, the Pope rehabilitates Galileo, condemned by the Church for saying that the earth revolves around the Sun.
1992: Emits the new universal Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, the first in nearly five centuries.
2000: Ask forgiveness for the sins of the Church against the heretics, Jews, women and minorities. Holy Land visit, calls for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
2001: In Syria, he becomes the first Pope to enter a mosque. He seeks forgiveness for priests sexual abuse.
2002: Performs last and poignant visit to his Polish homeland.
2003: It is campaigning to prevent the invasion of United States in Iraq.
2005, April 2: die. His funeral is a global media event. His successor Benedicto XVI accelerates the rules and placed Juan Pablo in a rapid process for sainthood. Sister Marie Simon-Pierre Normand, a French nun, praying to the late Pope, and says his Parkinson sickness is cured.
2011, January 14, 2011: Benedict declares the case of Normand as a miracle and establishes the beatification of Juan Pablo for May 1. A new miracle is needed after that date for the canonization, which would make him Holy.
Should leave behind the critics who had and continues to have, which also have pursued other members of Holy life, as he has been mentioned here for other biographies; There is the recent of Teresa of Calcutta.
The reality is that because of its many virtues Juan Paul II beatified Benedicto XVI on 1 May 2011, and Francisco canonized him on April 27, 2014, feast of the divine mercy to this great Polish instituted.
I would like to end this post saying that Holiness is something for which we are all called, and we can live day after day... I had the joy of sharing my date of birthday with this servant of God and why I was inspired to comment them close to his life...
God bless you all, greetings from Venezuela!
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