The 7 hottest countries in the world/Los 7 países más calurosos del mundo

in #cervantes7 years ago

The people who live in Latin American understand the terrible temperature of the hot weather. So, I will share with you the different countries in which the weather is pretty hot.

  1. Al Aziziya, Libia

Libia is ubicated in the African Continent and next to Egipt. This is known as the hottest place in the world, because there was registered a temperature above 57,7 on September 13th in 1922.Also, the specialists indicate that the temperature could have reached 70 degrees Celsius in the open.


  1. Lut Desert, Iran

This is one of the hottest and driest places in the planet.However, its room temperature is not so high. Moreover,the surface of the soil can reach 70 degrees Celsius which makes it practically impassable.


  1. Flameantes Mountains, China

These mountains are one of the hottest place in the world and the average temperature during the summer is around 50 degrees Celsius.

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  1. Wadi Halfa,Sudan
    The average temperature during the summer is 50 degrees Celsius in the shade in this place of North Sudan.


  1. Tombuctu, Mali

The hottest months are April, May and June in this place. At this time, the average temperature during the day exceeds 40 degrees, but once the highest temperature recorded was 54 degrees Celsius.


  1. Kebili, Tunez

The averege temperature is 55 degrees in Kebili, so the region population has to care about the available water. This is a small oasis, and the people has to maitain their body temperature. Also, this is because they have to avoid the overheating and dehydration.

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  1. Desert Valley, United States
    This place is similar to Alziziya, Libia, because it is the hottest place in the world.The desert valley of southern California is the hottest and driest place in North America. One day, it was recorded a record temperature of 57 degrees Celsius in 2006.

Would you like to visit them? I wouldn´t like.

Las personas que viven en Latino América entendemos perfectamente las condiciones de los climas calientes,por lo cual compartiré con ustedes diferentes países donde su clima es demasiado caluroso.

  1. Al Aziziya, Libia
    Libia se encuentra al norte del continente africano, justo al lado de Egipto. La localidad de Al Aziziya es considerada por algunos el lugar más caliente de la Tierra ya que allí el 13 de septiembre de 1922 se registró una temperatura de 57,7º C a la sombra y las estimaciones de los especialistas indican que a la intemperie la temperatura podría haber alcanzado los 70 grados Celsius.

  2. Desierto de Lut, Irán
    El desierto de Lut es uno de los lugares más calientes y secos del planeta. Si bien su temperatura ambiente no es tan alta, la superficie del suelo puede alcanzar los 70 grados Celsius, lo que lo convierte en un lugar prácticamente intransitable.


  1. Montañas Flameantes, China
    Las Montañas Flameantes de la provincia china de Xinjiang son también uno de los lugares más calientes del mundo. La temperatura promedio durante el verano ronda los 50 grados Celsius.
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  2. Wadi Halfa, Sudán
    En esta ciudad del norte de Sudán, la temperatura promedio durante el verano es de 50 grados Celsius a la sombra.

  3. Tombuctú,Malí
    Los meses de abril, mayo y junio son los más calurosos del año, en esta época la temperatura promedio durante el día supera los 40 grados, pero la temperatura más alta registrada una vez fue de 54 grados Celsius.

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  1. Kebili, Túnez
    La temperatura promedio de Kebili es de 55 grados. Los habitantes de la región tienen que hacer todo lo posible por cuidar el agua disponible, ya que se trata de un pequeño oasis en el desierto, y mantener su temperatura corporal para evitar el sobrecalentamiento y la deshidratación.

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  1. Valle de La Muerte, Estados Unidos
    El Valle de la Muerte compite con nuestro número 7, Al Aziziya, en Libia, por ser el lugar más caluroso de la Tierra. El valle desértico del sur de California es el lugar más caliente y seco de Norteamérica y un día del año 2006 registró una temperatura récord de 57 grados Celsius.


Quisieras visitar esos lugares? En lo personal, a mi no me gustaría.


Very nice post and pictures. 👌🏽 Thank you

Thank you so much. I´m delighted because you enjoyed it :D

jeje me gustaria visitar pero rapidito jajajaja solo por curiosidad!! buen post!

jajajaja pues sería de solo poner un dedito en tierra y salir corriendo jajajaja gracias :D

solo de verlo ya siento calor XD

aqui ya con más calor no podemos estar jajaja

One day you might visit us in Australia.😃
A couple of weeks ago we had here on the East Coast at 26° lat. a week of over 38°C and now a week of rain and lovely 25°C. But from experience I know some never never where 38° is in the shade in the morning, and every day is over 40°C. There's dry interior lands where it has rained possibly one or two inches in my whole life. But then there's Melbourne which has drought and wet, and 40° and 20° all on the same day,which is one reason I no longer stop there 😂

Well, thank you so much for the invitation :D and I didn´t know about those temperatures in Australia :O I´m surprised.

The daily newspaper usually has the expected high of day and experienced low of last night, with expected rain fall of certain areas currently in need of such a report. I no longer read newspapers, but the thing is one had a hand full of readily accessed daily info produced o/n on train into work. The mobile phone can, probably, get same info, but not readily accessible, all on one page, without search and scroll 😂 Each 'bit' of information in a newspaper might have a commentary, as well of conditions, history and prognostications, which on the mobile is somewhere else, on different site, and again has to be searched. 😉 My point being, that modern and quick, does not necessarily mean faster and better. 😆