La cosa #1 que aprendí en steemit - The #1 thing I learned at steemit

in #cervantes5 years ago (edited)
No sé siquiera por donde comenzar la historia, todo fue una montaña rusa de emociones, y para entonces yo iba subiendo a la expectativa. Mi mundo por un tiempo se basó en Steemit, en el mundo virtual. Era mi hobbie, mi trabajo y mi desahogo, era perfecto.

Vivo en una ciudad pequeña y el contacto externo con mis compañeros se volvió algo poco llamativo, ahora tenía nuevos amigos, me reía demasiado y sentía que éramos un gran grupo de personas con los mismos intereses, con puntos de vista diferentes que me parecían muy interesantes. Nunca he creído en las conversaciones por chat pero discord era el nuevo mundo que me abría las puertas cada noche, algunas noches iban cargadas de podcast, hablar, dinámicas, risas y gente que estaba ahí porque todo fluía.

Cosa #1 que aprendí en Stemit: Las relaciones y la interacción es muy importante.

Creo que siempre ha sido claro que la interacción es algo importante en todos los entornos y hay muchos servidores grandes (tanto en inglés como español) donde el 70% de la gente habla por simple compromiso atado a los votos, y no los juzgo. Creo que todos al inicio siempre intentamos involucrarnos y darnos a conocer, porque más allá de que las relaciones sociales son geniales y nos hacen crecer en muchos sentidos, esta interacción generaba dinero y claro que esto hace que la gente ponga mucho más de su parte, exceptuando a algunos (entre esos yo) por la simple razón que hablar por chat no es una de mis cosas favoritas, amo hablar y en persona me cuesta callarme pero por chat siento que se pierde cierta magia.

Sin embargo más tarde me sentí motivada a intentarlo, gracias a un amigo que me invito a hacer las noches de poesía con él. Esa es otra historia que les contaré luego.

¡Nos leemos en un próximo post!
Les envío un abrazo y un apapacho a la distancia.

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My beginning in steemit and the #1 thing I learned

I don't even know where to start the story, everything was a roller coaster of emotions, and by then I was rising to the expectation. My world for a while was based on Steemit, the virtual world. It was my hobby, my work and my relief, it was perfect. I don't even know where to start the story, everything was a roller coaster of emotions, and by then I was rising to the expectation. My world for a while was based on Steemit, the virtual world. It was my hobby, my work and my relief, it was perfect.

I live in a small city and the external contact with my companions became something not very attractive, now I had new friends, I laughed too much and I felt that we were a great group of people with the same interests, with different points of view that I found very interesting. I have never believed in chat conversations but discord was the new world that opened its doors to me every night, some nights were full of podcasts, talking, dynamics, laughter and people who were there because everything flowed.I live in a small city and the external contact with my companions became something not very attractive, now I had new friends, I laughed too much and I felt that we were a great group of people with the same interests, with different points of view that I found very interesting. I have never believed in chat conversations but discord was the new world that opened its doors to me every night, some nights were full of podcasts, talking, dynamics, laughter and people who were there because everything flowed.

Thing #1 I learned in Stemit: Relationships and interaction is very important.

I think it has always been clear that interaction is something important in all environments and there are many large servers (both in English and Spanish) where 70% of people speak by simple commitment tied to votes, and I don't judge them. I think that at the beginning we all always try to get involved and make ourselves known, because beyond the fact that social relationships are great and make us grow in many ways, this interaction generated money and of course this makes people do much more on their part, except for some (among those me) for the simple reason that chatting is not one of my favorite things, I love to talk and in person I find it hard to be silent but by chat I feel that a certain magic is lost.

I think it has always been clear that interaction is something important in all environments and there are many large servers (both in English and Spanish) where 70% of people speak by simple commitment tied to votes, and I don't judge them. I think that at the beginning we all always try to get involved and make ourselves known, because beyond the fact that social relationships are great and make us grow in many ways, this interaction generated money and of course this makes people do much more on their part, except for some (among those me) for the simple reason that chatting is not one of my favorite things, I love to talk and in person I find it hard to be silent but by chat I feel that a certain magic is lost.

However, later I felt motivated to try it, thanks to a friend who invited me to do poetry nights with him. That's another story I'll tell you later.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Hola @elocuenciadsnuda, si en este ecosistema llegan muchos con el pensar de que hay que votarlos sólo por publicar o saludar, totalmente de acuerdo contigo que debemos hacer comunidad, pero el votar es algo que se lo ganan las publicaciones que nos llaman la atención por su temática y calidad. Felicidad siempre.

Yo tengo un poco más de un año en la plataforma. Cuando inicie aca, ya estabas escribiendo tus poesias. Me encanta ver como uno de tus seguidores, como has evolucionado todo este tiempo en que formo parte de Steemit. Ahora desarrollas cualquier tema en tu espacio y ahora que tengo una meta de aprender ingles por mi cuenta, tambien disfruto de leer cuando publicas en ese idioma. Gracias por ser tan integral en tus escritos.

Que bonito, gracias por usar esas palabras para trasmitir un comentario tan valioso y si, total el blog ha sido la mayor demostración de mi evolución y de lo que ha sido mi vida en este último año y creo que es maravilloso mirar al pasado desde un lugar donde todo queda para siempre, la blockchain.

Hi, @elocuenciadsnuda!

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