The history idea is great, but not just as an idea, or a copy of Wikipedia. What we need is someones to gather and preserve all the history books which the left are busy trashing.
You cannot preserve your culture, your religion and traditions, if all books the left don't like are trashed.
Same idea would also be good with regard to science, since the science books are also being changed to fit the left narrative.
Agreed, books must be saved. Some books are revised in order to merge more with progressive narratives. That is why we have to go back to the oldest versions of certain books for example. For the past century, books have been merging towards the left, slowly, and some people do not even realize we are frogs being cooked in hot water. It has been changing like you said, in regards to science, history, and many things. I second your challenge, your advice.
It would be good to deal with this in a two-pronged manner.
My first thought was, it is a bit difficult for me to do from South Africa...but I think it is a bit of a cop-out. We need people to be doing this all over the world, preserving books in all languages.
BTW -there is a free program ( that allows you to post files on Tor as Torrents, so that nobody can kill your files or censor them, as they are spread out over thousands of computers. This might be one useful way to handle it (not as a sole method, we must remain inventive)
As you suggested, this must be a team effort...and not just by elderly people, though I do not say that as a condition; more elderly persons are likely to care.
If this could be crowdfunded so that small non-profit companies can be formed for employing people to do this every day, we could very soon have tens of thousands of books. By the way, I would also like to see the classic novels included, as they are also being destroyed, for ridiculous reasons the university students of today come up with.
Do you know anyone who has experience of securing funds from crowdfunding sources?
Also, we must find a way to contact conservative students at universities who could try to help us save the older books in the university libraries.
I would bury old books and print out copies of the books and bury them along with thumb drives that can be buried with the hard copies of the books. Someday, maybe we can send some into space. Maybe there will be rocket launchers we all can buy to launch stuff into space. Didn't know about and will need to try it. Thanks.
I have heard that people do crowd funding but don't know anybody who have done it personally but I believe it happens.