What Are The Jobs Of CEO?

in #ceo8 years ago


We often see CEO as the face of the company with their own success stories, such as for example Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Larry Page from Google, and so on. But what exactly is their work? In short their main task is to determine the strategy and vision of the company in order to grow better. They are who determine the strategic direction of the company, but it can be assisted by a senior management team or investors. This continues to the next question: "What was the strategy of the company?"

What is meant by companies strategies are ways that companies can achieve their vision which usually is a long-term plan in the annual time range, all of that is exposed in official documents made by CEO. Some examples are determining the company's market share, competitors, products, determine the uniqueness of the company, budgeting, and so on.

Another task of CEO which is not less important is determining the corporate culture and building a team. For example, the way CEO dress will determine how formal working environment of the company, whom he had pushed out and who does he like also ultimately will determine the culture within the company. Not only building a team, a Chief Executive Officer should also be able to motivate team members and deliver the company's vision to team members.

1 - Advertise On Your Car
When you're on the streets heading somewhere. You'll often see car ads plastered with company logos and phone numbers. You would think that the car is a car that is owned by a company, but there are some advertising companies that pay the owner of the car to stick their ads in that car.

To do this, of course you have to register your car at the advertising company beforehand. If you look on the Internet, the company's web site will be found. Then, if an advertiser decided to choose your area for advertising, you might be chosen. This promotion will last for months to years, and you are required to drive for a couple of miles to fulfill the contract.

Photo Credit: Pixabay