Censorship Axe

It doesn't matter how factual or data-driven your information is. If what you're saying goes against the propaganda official narratives, you are seen as a threat to furthering the ongoing agenda and will be censored.


Take the example of Sen. Ron Johnson who apparently has been censored five times by YouTube.

The last video censored which brought about a suspension of his account on YouTube, was 3 1/2 hours of doctors, scientists and vaccine injured speaking out about the monumental fraud taking place.

You see, it doesn't matter how accurate your information is. Or how true it is. The only thing that matters is whether your information jeopardizes a conspiratorial agenda, and open conspiracy, to push forward with a bio security state and technocratic and trans-humanist global panopticon.

The corruption in government run so deep, that Sen. Ron Johnson was the only one among 535 US senators and representatives to stand up to big Pharma and put a voice forward for the vaccine injured.

Censorship is a tool of propagandists and deceivers. For truth to be discerned, contrasting and competing information is valuable for an accurate assessment to be made. If the information is false, then it can be demonstrated to be false and that further strengthens the opposite argument that claims to be true.

But they don't want to have transparent discussions about what is happening. These are the tools of deception and darkness that will shrink consciousness into ignorance and lead us into the dark ages.