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RE: List of people harassing with constant unwarranted flagging

in #censorship7 years ago

First of all like he said I HAD NO CLUE what a down vote meant or the governing of when they are warranted. Secondly, somebody please explain to me how this gives someone like milkjar the justification to flag my content like a little child? Seriously if you and him care about free speech should my post that has no tags be downvoted? pretty petty and hypocritical... Lastly, i took my down vote off of his page because it is petty to go back and forth like children, especially considering how new to this platform I am. I do not know all the implications and impacts of a downvote at this time. There is no justification for my content to be downvoted period milkjar....


You dont deserve to be downvoted you deserve to be executed like the traitor to your oath that you are as per us law.

Nice try trying to backtrack. you said you are keeping the flag you placed on my page even after I explained everything to you. Only after you noticed I flagged did you take it down. Not because you believe in freedom of speech, but because you dont want to be "petty"

you are scum

Honest question: what part of my information "deserved" to be flagged? anything? no?

Sooooooooo what youre saying is you flagged my content out of pettiness?

yeah I flagged it out of pettiness. you deserve far worse. if people cared about freedom of speech you wouldnt be flagged but you would be dragged before a court and asked to explain why you thought it was appropriate to censor a citizen excercising his freedom of speech despite the oath you took and then executed.