War Propaganda, Censorship and How DuckDuckGo Killed Itself with One Tweet

in #censorship3 years ago

War Propaganda, Censorship and How DuckDuckGo Killed Itself with One Tweet

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(remember to always include links to the intro vid in notes)

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Free TCV summit in April! https://tcvworkshop.com/

The Manipulation of Time:

The city of Kyiv is now a Movie set: ~~~ embed:1501144699196817408?s=20&t=pv4fxKy-fRjIsasSdkyA0Q twitter metadata:TGV6THV0aG9yfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0xlekx1dGhvci9zdGF0dXMvMTUwMTE0NDY5OTE5NjgxNzQwOHw= ~~~

Elon Musk asked to ‘turn off’ Teslas in Russia as he makes superchargers free for people fleeing Ukraine: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/elon-musk-ukraine-russia-tesla-b2027067.html

Video: The General manager of BIS, the central bank of central banks, explains how your social credit system will influence your ability to use money under the coming Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) system: https://t.me/c/1264095585/22870

Canadian banks champion WEF-proposed Digital IDs: https://reclaimthenet.org/canadian-banks-champion-wef-proposed-digital-ids/

'We've never had this much interest': Firms in UAE deluged with requests from Russians to liquidate crypto: https://nationalpost.com/news/world/weve-never-had-this-much-interest-firms-in-uae-deluged-with-requests-from-russians-to-liquidate-crypto

Check out today’s video..!


Jeff you saved my life. The pandemic wiped out my online business and left me stranded on an island in the Pacific. It's been a rough two years but I never gave up watching your videos and taking your advice. What killed me the most was coming up with enough money to cover the bitcoin fees when trying to pirate and monero. But I was persistent and probably one of the biggest life saver advices you gave was to encourage us to join the hive blockchain to come up with the extra cash to get us through the hard times. The hive blockchain community is absolutely amazing. I love it. It's my new job. I spend 8 hours a day on the hive trying to figure it all out. Thank you Jeff for saving my life.

Hi, capt.wildbill! Any tips for me on how to make some hive? A beginners guide perhaps or maybe just answer me this, do I need to have hive in my wallet to make hive on liking this video or commenting? :D

sign up for a hive account on PeakD website. follow the instructions carefully and save the private keys that it gives you ~ connect your hive account to the Hive Keychain wallet ~ under the search option on PeakD type in newbies-guide. And that is where you will find the post helping you understand how to use the hive blockchain. Does this help?

Mate can you please elaborate a bit , how to make $$ on hive.

I'm just figuring this out after realising listening to Jeff is a good idea!! I think that you earn Hive currency for every like and engagement with your comments or video uploads etc. If you click on the number next to your name it takes you to peakd where you can see how much hive you earned with each comment/interaction. You may know all of this but I'm a massive n00b at this too and slowly figuring it out. I've been a sub to cryptovigilante for months now and only just today began trading following the tips from Mr A and W, before that I was just hodling and selling when I was happy with gains.

under the search option on PeakD type in newbies-guide. And that is where you will find the post helping you understand how to use the hive blockchain. Does this help?

sign up for a hive account on PeakD website. follow the instructions carefully and save the private keys that it gives you ~ connect your hive account to the Hive Keychain wallet ~ under the search option on PeakD type in newbies-guide. And that is where you will find the post helping you understand how to use the hive blockchain. Does this help?

Thanks , i am not able to post...

has 173467284 RC, needs 3867819242 RC. Please wait to transact, or power up

This pops up

It takes a while to earn enough HIVE to post or comment. If you buy some HIVE you can send it to your HIVE wallet an then Power Up the HIVE (Think of this as a savings account with a lockup period) once powered up it gives you more abilities on the HIVE blockchain. The more HIVE you have powered up the more impact you have (Votes carry more weight and allow everyone you interact with to earn more) The idea of hive is to create a network of people that you can interact with regularly and assuming you provide valuable content the more interactions your content gets with high level HIVE'rs everyone makes some money by promoting the best content(or at least most popular) Its great because it takes the power away from centralized biased algorithms and makes the content curated in a much more democratic manor.

same thing happened to me when I first sign up for Hive. You need resource credits RC to be able to do things on the hive block chain and interact with the communities, post, comment, like, ect... You need to buy some hive crypto currency and send it to you hive wallet, and then you convert that into HP Hive Power. Then you'll be able to get started and do things. So basically a week ago I invest $100 dollars to get started. I recommend you do the same.

Hive is cool... it was help me also lot ☺👌👌👌

Thanks to you Jeff, I got into Pirate Chain last year. Can't wait to see if your predictions are correct. You've been spot on so far!

Eric Dubay is finally here on TDV woohoo!!

Now if we can just convince Jeff to add Martin Liedtke and UAP Channel next..... :)

Good to see the original artwork of Jeff and Lucy at the start, was weird on the last video to see a skinny Jeff in a blue tshirt. Good to see stacked Jeff back

Great information on and introduction ti calendar and time! 👍🏻 Thx!

I sincerely hope that after this great reset that we can go back to using the original lunar calendar again where each month actually has 28 days. The 13 month calendar makes way more sense and it matches this giant clock that we live on imo.

Great video Jeff, as always. So much better watching you on here than on bitchute. The bitchute community is so toxic, full of a bunch of lost souls who have awakened to the truth but are using it to create their demise rather than their success. People, stop dividing everything you know into good vs evil, and start analyzing it with complete neutrality to decode your reality and create success and happiness for yourself. You literally have all the answers, as long as you haven't fallen down the fear based trap called religion. Religion is man made spiritualism, wake up and recognize the mental prison that these organized religions are confining you to and keeping you in a fear based low vibration. Check out some of WatersAbove Crypto's live videos on youtube. Him, Jeff, and David Icke are pretty much the bottom of the rabbit hole, I'm sure their is more, but this is what I have found.

Excited to try out his HIVE thing and see how it goes.

Any tips for me on how to make some hive? A beginners guide perhaps or maybe just answer me this, do I need to have hive in my wallet to make hive on liking this video or commenting? :D

Earning Hive is easy, just leave thoughtful comments on dollarvigilante.tv and/or create your own posts on sites like d.buzz, peakd.com and ecency.com. There are lots of cool apps coming out that use the Hive chain as well on hivedapps.com - Welcome to the Hive! :)

I did not know about Brave having it's own search engine. When I started using it a couple years ago they only had Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo as search engine options. Thanks for the info Jeff!

I prefer presearch.org lately, nice and fast and no censorship that I know of..

Yeah Brave search is a new thing, seems great so far.

Yep, it's definitely one of the best.

amazing video Jeff!!

Another good o e jeff

Ouff; disturbing images in the intro. But, now, I have no idea what's real and legitimate and what isn't?

And also, who owns and controls the troops that are doing all the devastation?

For sure. That question and more.

That's certainly a good question...

Got that right.

Most likely the same guys who always do.

Thank you Jeff for another great one!

México changes DST different time than US. We don't change until 4/4

Most of México right now is mountain time until we catch up and spring forward, and become central again. US may pass bill to end the changes, make DST permanent. Let's hope Mexico does the same!

Has anyone else noticed "time " going by much faster too. Not just perspective wise. You can't literally say second fast enough before a second passes.. CERN??....

Mexico is damn beautiful , its my dream to come to Anarchapulco. It makes me happy and laugh whenever i see you talking to Lucy - Literally the best thing on the internet.

So simple to delete duck duck go and use brave browser and search engine, thanks for the tip

If I could teach myself 4 intruments by 15 years old, you'll have no issues.

Yep. Life is just great while Earth is just an illusion.
My eyes started noticing trees before houses (despite there being more houses around me than trees). Hard to explain and make sense of but it's awesome to see nature over urban spread now.

Earth is ascending. Fear (the lower vibration) just can't survive the place where our Galaxy is moving to soon. Can't wait!

Great show. Privacy coins are going to be a huge eye opener for a lot of people soon. It's incredible how we're seeing governments weaponizing money. Play ball or lose access to your money. Not only are they going after private citizens but they're doing it to entire countries. These are extremely slippery slopes we're sliding down here! Crazy time to be alive. At this point I'm guessing any CBDC will be an Orwellian nightmare and should be approached with extreme caution. I'm just hoping the average citizen figures it out before it's to late.

Yep, better tank up on Dero, ARRR and XEQ while we still can.

Man buying into those privacy coins is starting to look like a good decision. loving my ARRR and XMR right now. Thanks Jeff for keeping my spirits up over the last couple years and teaching us how to make some good money and more importantly free ourselves from the matrix. Keep up the good work. This is really a public service

Where did that piece about germ theory come from? No link in the shownote.

Hive has stopped the referral program for new applicants: https://brave.com/referral-program-changes/