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RE: Some Of The Flaggots On Steemit

in #censorship8 years ago

I feel like their actions just defeat the whole purpose of steemit, and if they cannot respect the opinions of others because they are too narrow-minded to allow others to have their own thoughts separate from whatever beliefs that they may have personally, then those flaggots came to the wrong damn site and need to move it on back to some other social media site where this type of drama and nonsense is just part of the experience...I won't mention any specific face names of such sites book, but, we all know of certain social media platforms that run off of this type of immature, ridiculous drama. People are allowed to their own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. PERIOD. If this group of users is uncomfortable with those thoughts, or disagrees with them, then it's pretty easy to just move along to something else that they DO agree with rather than attempting to pull this childish "report war" BS...SMH I am utterly disgusted right now....


I wish they could just use the mute button like an adult. the problem is they are the whales on this site so they hold all the power right now. we need a lot of people to speak up to put a stop this shit. so many people are leaving stemit because of this community abuse. imo at least.

The GREATEST part is that she has a post about internet trolls, and talks about how they just bother other people to evoke an emotional response to amuse themselves, but.....are we not seeing a pot calling the kettle black here...or...??? I mean, is it just ME or does it not seem like she is doing that VERY same thing she's bitching about in the troll post....?????

she is doing the same thing, I have left comments n her posts about that stuff asking why she plays victim when others do the same thing she does, never an answer only more flagging. I swear she must have a platinum victim card.