Thoughts on fighting Web 2.0 censorship while simultaneously 5Xing our user base

in #censorship5 years ago (edited)

Hive is a problem-solving blockchain that grows both in value and user base while solving specific problems, with censorship and content monetization being the two main problems it's currently solving. Although these are very important problems to solve in this day and age where censorship has become a tool of the ruling elite to shut off anyone voicing thoughts that don't fall in line with their narrative, we still fail miserably at utilizing this incredible potential for exponential and viral growth.

Why is it so?

It all boils down to marketing or the lack of it. We desperately fail to get viral momentum moving in our favor. Although we have a world-class interface such as @peakd and we solve hair-on-fire problems we are still unable to reach that vital point of viral momentum which captures the attention of millions of people across the globe in a heartbeat.

Here is an idea on how to blow up our user base and get one step closer to the masses.

One currently viral topic that touches every human on the planet is the Coronavirus outbreak. Pretty much everyone on the face of earth has felt the effects of it. Whether that's in the form of being forcefully locked down in their own homes or by being laid off because of the greatly decreased economic outlook. Coronavirus is literally the only thing every media outlet is ever talking about nowadays yet the only message they are propagating is that government-controlled propaganda meant to justify lockdown measures and further enslave our minds into the idea that our governments are doing everything in their powers to "save us".

While the non-NPC's among us are aware this is complete and utter bullshit - far from reality - our voices have been shut on centralized platforms such as FBIbook, YT, Twitter, etc.

This is a huge issue. The masses are being spoonfed misinformation and disinformation left, right and center. It's the only thing that goes through YT "fact-checkers" and FBIbook's algos. The effects are devastating to the collective capacity of human beings to decipher fact from fiction or real news from propaganda and will further fuel governments dictatorial measures hindering our freedoms to an unprecedented extent.


Nevertheless, many are starting to wake up and question the mainstream narrative but because of the Web 2.0-wide censorship, getting truthful information out there is close to impossible. You can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as someone comes out with info that doesn't go along with the mainstream, WHO (World Hell Organization) narrative, their content will be removed from the platform its posted on. This is where Hive steps in with its decentralized and immutable nature to scoop up the millions of views these censored pieces of content deserve to get but fail to acquire as they are censored quicker than it takes to create them.

Want to see both Hive and @threespeak monthly unique visitors to 5x in a month?

This is how we do it.

  1. Dig up from archives (if they even exist) all of the content about Corona that offers factual information which goes against the mainstream narrative and has for that reason been censored from centralized platforms
  2. Have an eye out for such content because it still gets posted daily but is censored almost instantly on mentioned platforms and download it to preserve it before it gets censored
  3. Post it on @threespeak
  4. Promote this content on Web 2.0 platforms, Twitter especially
    -> When people search for this content they will naturally stumble into either Hive or @threespeak because they are going to be the only two platforms still hosting it.
  5. GG

We can apply the same logic for censored pieces of written content. Although it's more scarce than video content, there is still quite a lot of written content on Corona that gets censored. If we can archive it on Hive for the world to see people will have no other option than to read it on here. After all, every other platform censored it...

If done right, we will effectively catapult both Threespeak and Hive to the forefront of the battle against censorship and the clash of titans (Web 3.0 vs Web 2.0), acquire millions of new monthly unique visitors, onboard thousands of free-thinkers and offer them platforms on which they can forever share their opinions without fearing censorship or worse. Combine this with rewarding newly acquired content consumers who create accounts to comment on these videos that were banished from Web 2.0 and we've single-handedly managed to shoot legacy platforms in their feet while simultaneously snatching a meaningful portion of their user base.


At least that's the plan.

What do you think?

Have any suggestions on how to further incentivize "controversial" content migration to @threespeak and Hive?

Got any other ideas about fighting censorship whilst at the same time increasing our user base?

Let me know down below.

Hive and Twitter in a couple of days and after reading this post they have agreed to add content preservation as one of their tasks so have an eye out for that.EDIT: @threespeak is actually going to run a campaign both on

I'll be there tippin'.

Until then, take care and cya in the next one.


Gracias por tu voto positivo a mi última publicación.

Por otro lado, concuerdo contigo en tu visión de Hive. Hace unos días, a propósito de Elon Musk y Signal y Dogecoin, escribía en un comentario que nos hace falta alguien de influencia para proyectar a Hive. Nos hace falta viralidad, es correcto. Pero quizá nos haga falta también un buen relacionista público que les hable de las bondades y ventajas de Hive a personajes importantes que quizá nos de un impoulso en marketing.

Un abrazo.

Awesome thought with refined strategies. Honestly this could be a breakthrough for Web 3 (Hive), if these strategies you've stated can be followed by major community members.

Threespeak already swung into action. They added two community that would house topics related to Covid-19 on the platform few hours ago.

COVID-19 Community: (set up by @felix.herrmann, @demotruk and @ura-soul)

Coronavirus Pandemic Community: (set up by @indextrader24)

There is actually a funny story behind it. I thought about this problem for the last few days and was refining the idea the entire day yesterday and a couple of mins after publishing this post I see their tweet about it 😂

Insane how we both thought about the same problem and simultaneously came out with solutions.

After chatting with them on twitter they agreed to add content preservation as one of the tasks of their Hive/Twitter initiatives.

😄 A proof that great minds think alike. Its great to know they agreed to include it to their Hive/Twitter initiatives.

Great read and cool ideas. I think 3Speak is getting better by the day and has potential to really take off. I'm especially impressed that 3Speak vids can be embedded and played on Twitter, and I think that could be a route to a wider audience. Perhaps with some community incentive or Dapp, just like what Zilliqa did with "Social Pay". Gave you a retweet. Thanks also for the tip yesterday.

That should be a quick and easy gateway for reaching a massive and more diverse audience. We should utilize this as much as possible as the potential is so great. Although it won't work on videos covering currently "controversial" topics like the Coronies as it will get insta-removed.

Zilliqa social pay is another interesting tool we should look into and potentially utilize. We could get funding from the DAO to provide a mighty incentive for activities on Twitter. The only issue though is that we would have to think long and hard before being able to come out with a system that isn't so easily gamed such as Zilliqa's social pay.

I'll give it some thought and whip up a post about it.

non-NPCs :DDDD

Man i HAVE to start using this in real life...

Yes it would be great to increase Hive user base. The freedom from censorship and the platform for free speech should be very attractive to the masses who are now seeing through the MSM and other censored platforms after this virus issue.

@krnel has been doing exactly this for a while. I have voted almost all his articles 100% Please check him out if you haven't already.

Grateful for the evaluations of my publications. Successes in your Healing work. With my 68 years of age I have learned a lot in hive. Hugs from Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from Cumaná-Venezuela.