Yeah, the people that doxed him are too. LMFAO! 8D
This morning I woke up to a shit ton of flags and a lot of support from people I didnt know, it was awesome.
It wasent till after I made this post and went to his page I seen what happened. What happened was fucked up. I was all for people saying they would dox him if he didn't remove the flags, but doing it is to far. Involving some ones family I cant agree with. I do not support his flagging of people but I do not support him getting flagged either.
it was just another form of censorship I feel.
Some of the people making money off his doxing by way of posts are doing the same thing and flagging people out of opinion too. Just go to the posts and you will see half the people in the comments (myself included) are flagged by the person that made the post. All their friends aren't transparent but anyone that said something they disagree with is flagged and transparent.
So they doxed him for doing the same thing they are doing.
They are all in the wrong imo.
I hope you don't mind but I am going to use the word flaggot a lot now. 8D
Yeah, the people that doxed him are too. LMFAO! 8D
This morning I woke up to a shit ton of flags and a lot of support from people I didnt know, it was awesome.
It wasent till after I made this post and went to his page I seen what happened. What happened was fucked up. I was all for people saying they would dox him if he didn't remove the flags, but doing it is to far. Involving some ones family I cant agree with. I do not support his flagging of people but I do not support him getting flagged either.
it was just another form of censorship I feel.
Some of the people making money off his doxing by way of posts are doing the same thing and flagging people out of opinion too. Just go to the posts and you will see half the people in the comments (myself included) are flagged by the person that made the post. All their friends aren't transparent but anyone that said something they disagree with is flagged and transparent.
So they doxed him for doing the same thing they are doing.
They are all in the wrong imo.
I hope you don't mind but I am going to use the word flaggot a lot now. 8D
I was hoping flaggot would catch on. Soon I will find the right pic with it. Aside from yours that is hahaa
Well I was makin' jokes about hopin' he gets dox'd but it was mostly just fortune telling. lol hope he gets the help he needs.
Whatever happens on least there's always dickbutt!
yeah gotta luv that dickbutt 8D