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RE: More Evidence That Twitter Is Unfollowing People From Anti-Establishment Accounts

in #censorship7 years ago

Reads more like a defence of plutocracy. Central reserve banks are useful, it depends on what ends they are directed to achieve. I think what you resent about them is that they are the means to price the property of the collective. Ideally, if capitalists raise their prices too much, up goes the money supply to dilute their profiteering and support those put at a disadvantage by the profiteering. Yin and yang if you like. Why would you want to deprive the collective of the means to price the collective asset base? Sounds a bit one way to me.

You might want to learn about the Citizen's Dividend proposed by Thomas Paine, as this is the concept preceding a universal basic income. Our ancestors worked hard to build our societies and they didn't do it so our profit generating assets could be privatised for a wealthy minority to enjoy the exclusive benefits derived from these assets. They are always said to be run down, there's debt or any other reason that these assets would be better for all if exchanged for a one off (always low) price for the loss of the income stream along with the discretionary pricing power that comes with them.


Did you specifically join this site as an attack dog against anyone who questions the RT narrative?