I can't state anything for certain, but not sure how much worse things can get when your country is saying a group called Isis is a terrorist organization we need to fear and not question liberties taken with our freedom due to them, then send these same people money and weapons and call them rebels in their partnership to overthrow Assad in Syria. I could mention the many examples of government collusion with sex trafficking, the war on drugs that should begin at the CIA and not the common person on the street, etc etc.
This is just some of many examples I see, but if things are worse there then my heart goes out for them.
Then come over here to China and see, because after five years living in Beijing I CAN say quite a lot for certain.
US government lies compared to Chinese government lies are like a summer squall compared to a typhoon. First and most glaring example, the US is not rounding up dissidents en masse, shooting most of them, throwing the few they don't shoot into Orwellian indoctrination centers and consigning them to a level of poverty that would make the poorest American blush, then forcing their children to attend schools that are deliberately designed to make them incapable of anything other than such brutally menial labor that they will be lucky to see their 40th birthday, then digitally blocking any flow of information from outside the country that might clue the populace in to the fact that this is actually not normal.
China is.
Seriously, if America seems that bad in your eyes, passports are cheap and China is desperate for Westerners with business skills of any kind right now. Come on over and see first hand just how much worse it can get.