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RE: China is Ordering All VPNs Disconnected by 2018. Is the End Nigh?

in #censorship8 years ago

This is downright interesting, especially because how far China has come in regard to embracing a form of capitalism. I know it's not pure capitalism but usually, when you see monetary wealth increase for the common person there are restrictions that begin to lift. With a increased restriction on internet access because of this ban, it has to make you wonder why.

I wonder if China is preemptively trying to prevent leaks of happenings in their country at a future date?


I think in part it has to also do with the North Korean issue. China knows it could lead to war so they may be trying to squeeze international communications in general.

Historical precedence is there for a country to conduct this maneuver. You being in this a big discussion in the country in regard to a war being a possibility over the North Korea issue?

For me yes, it matters, once im out of this country it won't. But North Korea has already be raped by America so I understand why they fear it. China has been raped by the UK so I understand why they fear it.

Is this all sabre rattling? I hope so, but other wars have been started with less.

When u get both sides of the propaganda you learn to care less about either.

Thanks for your input. It's great to see other perspectives, especially when someone is over seas and witnessing it first hand,