"There are a bunch of folks trying to save lives online and they’ve been banished from the mainstream sites. They say to do your own research and ask questions."
This sounds like my wife. While we're watching TV or while I'm trying to sleep, she keeps on typing, trying to encourage people to do just that. It's sad when the advice falls on deaf ears. Her friend got the Moderna vaccine and within a short time developed pain and weakness in her arms and legs that is preventing her from working. Her symptoms and initial labs sound like inflammatory polymyositis to me, something she would ordinarily be too young to develop. She didn't read the package insert with the shot and wasn't aware that she is part of a vaccine trial of an as yet unapproved therapy that only has emergency use authorization. Our son's mother-in-law read the insert and walked away without the jab. Thank God. Another friend has a relative in the hospital with some sort of brain issue two days after the vaccine (not sure of the exact issue or which vaccine).
My sister is the only one in my family to get vaccinated. She had one dose and then caught the virus along with my parents (in their 80's, my mom on oxygen prior to the illness) and her son and his wife. She seemed to be the least ill but, in the end, they all survived. My mom did spend five days in the hospital to receive remesdivir when she developed pneumonia, but everyone is back to normal now.
My parents have friends who have had both doses of the vaccine, but still won't hug or go to happy hour, even outdoors. Sad!
I'm glad that you and my wife are still trying. I had the energy for it once, with Ron Paul's campaigns and anti-war and end-the-fed protests, but I no longer have the enthusiasm to try to convince people who have taken "the blue pill". I hope that you and my wife can get through to a few people, who can take the message from there.
“It does not take a majority to prevail . . . but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Samuel Adams
Thank you for the encouragement. I know your wife couldn’t continue the fight without knowing your energy is with her. Give her an extra hug.
It baffles me how much people blindly TRUST the “goodwill” and “efficiency” of corporations and governments where the language centers around “the bottom line”, profit, product and marketing. People are being sold the vaccine as if it’s a golden ticket to safety and freedom.
Someone told me last week that even if the vaccine is an experimental drug, they are glad that it is being tested on humans instead of harming animals. She’s thrilled over her vaccine. And has been working on convincing me to go get mine. I told her that I’m glad she’s so far safe and healthy and though the vaccine makes her happy it would give me greater joy to pass on it.
I’m sorry that you know people having side effects. I know people that were sick in bed for a week unable to move for several days. They wrote it off as a normal side effect. Anything capable of shutting me down from moving to play the piano or even walking doesn’t get that kind of “normal pass” from me.
I know more human guinea pigs than unvaccinated people. The deception by the powers that be has been aggressive. Doctors and scientists silenced. There are people who still don’t know what HCQ is. Censorship is real and has effectively helped in making sure people rush toward getting the experimental gene therapy shot.
Good health to you and your sweetie and thank you for the hello and encouragement 🦋
I really hope these vaccines, that prevent "serious illness" without preventing infection or spread to others, aren't like the one that made Marek's disease worse. Vaccinated chicken were able to tolerate a deadlier variant of that virus, one that would have otherwise killed the host and prevented spread. The vaccine gave the virus an "evolutionary boost" allowing it to spread farther and longer and killing more chickens in the end.
I was just on the phone with my wife's friend. She is in a wheelchair because she is too weak to walk. I really have to focus on giving her love and support without throwing the vaccine back in her face.I slipped in a request for her to report her symptoms to VAERS the other day, but I don't want to keep harping on that. I wonder how many others develop symptoms that go unreported, like your friends that that were sick in bed for a week unable to move for several days.
I hope your friend feels better soon. I forgot about VAERS. Facebook has a good group where people share their vaccine experience good and bad. If your friend is on FB, she may feel some comfort in knowing she is not alone. I’m glad she has good friends checking on her. I’m so worried for my family. My mom is doing well and I’m on her to keep taking vitamins to boost her immune system. It worries me how many accept the side effects as normal and don’t bat an eye.
Maybe everyone will feel less accepting if their child has a high fever for a week and can’t walk after their vaccine. Side effects are hopefully less acceptable when a perfectly young healthy life is affected.
I hate to say it but I don’t have optimistic thoughts over the vaccine. I hope most people will be okay not only this year but onto next year and the next.