Taking Action against harassment of users on Steemit Inc. Contact information found inside.

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

All further harassment, downvoting which incurs financial harassment, as well as previous targeted harassment will be used against Steemit Inc. legally. As they are liable for the user experience. They fail to protect the users, and as such have failed to put a stop to the abuse of the persons using their service. Death threats have been well documented, as well as daily verbal harassment of countless users.

We also understand that content can be accessed via other UI, even when Steemit Inc. 'suppresses' content by graying it out. This is why our issue rests solely with Steemit Inc. and not with the other platforms eg. Busy.org etc. Graying out content, and collapsing the speech is a form of censorship as it 'hides' the speech, causing it to be difficult to be seen. This targeted abuse of the downvote button on Steemit Inc. is repetitive and ignored by Steemit Inc. Liability rests with Steemit Inc.

You can contact ncac#4596 on Discord if you feel you have been a victim and wish to find a speedy solution.

Please keep a record of all harassment, including links, screen shots, and dates.

Thank you for your time. We look forward to finding a solution for each and every one of you.

We are here to help. Contact us.


National Coalition Against Censorship
19 Fulton Street, Suite 407
New York, NY 10032

Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern

P: 212-807-6222
F: 212-807-6245


Using someone's real picture and miss spelling their real name by 1 letter, clearly establishes ID fraud in multiple jurisdictions, and is in violation of Steemit, Inc.'s Terms Of Service. Their failure to address the issue could come back to haunt them. Cheers!

Dirty Nurse sure has changed a lot .

Ultimately, the actions of flaggots are their own responsibility. I can grasp the point to targeting Steemit, as any litigator aims high. However it is not Steemit that has threatened people's lives, sexually harassed them, or thrown these flags. The folks that did are liable for the torts they have effected, and I hope you choose your target appropriately.


What has Steemit. Inc. done to midigate this type of abuse? Apparently absolutely nothing. For example they had to midigate the 9/11 account @darkoverlord. Even though they were not the people responsible for posting the sensitive information, they still stepped in. They had a legal duty to do so. They can not allow people to send users death threats, and do nothing about it. They have been made well aware of the situation, and choose to ignore emails. This is the last resort. There is a liability issue. For example if a member made threats on other users, and Steemit Inc. did nothing about it, and real harm came as a result of those threats, there would certainly be a liability issue. This is a dangerous situation and something must and will be done about it.

I'm not saying Steemit has. I'm saying they aren't the actual perps, and that is the proper target of defensive action, ultimately.

You will undertake taking action as you see fit, and other than my advice to sanction them as actually commit dangerous action, I have no business commenting.

I wish you the very best.

You have received a negative vote.