What just happened
I just checked one my recent post and found out that the youbube video referenced is not available anymore due to removed associated account. It's not a first time I noticed account containing videos I was embedding had been removed by Google/Alphabet.
Steemit is a great platform, especially because it's not censored by some "higher authority" (you can read it as NWO/deepstate/globalist/totalitarians people and similar), but what is really assured there is "only" the included text of the posts. Images are stored elsewhere (even steemimg.com is vulnerable because it's centralized AFAIK and youtube is completely under control of Google, resp. Alphabet, its shareholders, various governments and regulation agencies).
Current Steemit status
To existing distributed blockchain text storage we also need image and video storage that cannot be censored or shut-down.
So far, Steem(it) provides this in terms of data:
- distributed text storage ✔
- distributed image storage ✗
- distributed video storage ✗
BTW the removed video was this CNN Fake News Trump meme clip, here I found a copy
And this one is just a bonus to it (maybe not that funny but much more informative :))
There are some projects initiated that might be quite helpful or even solve the problem one day
- SteemQ - https://steemit.com/steemq/@titusfrost/how-steemq-will-kill-youtube-censorship
- Viewly project - https://view.ly/
- LBRY - https://lbry.io/
- Annonymous distributed storages - StorJ, IPFS, Maidsafe, etc.
However none of these projects is far enough to provide adequate replacement for youtube yet.
Actually, I don't think Google/Youtube engineers (and even at least part of its management) are the bad guys. I know they have some morale, they even sacrificed their business in China because Chinese government required censorship and huge user spying. But troublemakers here are always the ruling elites (especially communists, socialist, neo-Marxists and corrupted democrats/republicans/libertarians) and special interest groups. We should really be much more careful about who we vote for (if we live in country where we still can vote). Those people elected in last decades were mostly corrupted and they, with their puppets, are already quite everywhere where is some power to harm people. Kudos to all uncorrupted (especially the influential) people who fight against censorship and all other forms of totalitarianism!
Get rid of internet censorship, make internet free again!
Unfortunately a huge amount of content on YouTube is exactly like posts on Steemit - plagiarism of some sort. As such it is subject to DMCA take down notices. When it comes down to it we don't like plagiarism on Steemit for the same reason as the rest of the world - it leeches away rewards and reputation from those that deserve it. On YouTube they have too response to DMCA notices, with Steemit I think we mostly dodge that issue by not hosting most infringing content.
That's good remark. You have some plagiarism everywhere if you want to find it. Is meme parodying some movie breaking its copyright? Maybe, but it's very subjective and you would have to go with each case to the court. And verdict would be quite different in each country depending on specific judge. Also you never know what the original creator appreciates. Some are angry when they copyrighted content is used, some others are glad because it creates better publicity. I don't think that censorship is good way to protect copyrights, patents or any other laws. People who wants to get some digital content will get it, no matter what.
There are also hundreds of thousands patents issued every year, now several millions in total. It's quite probable that every piece of software (Steemit included) is violating dozens of them. My idea is that all of this is waste of time and resources and it's part of totalitarian world. When you want to buy something, buy it. When you want to support someone, do it. When you know the producer is selling some content and not giving it for free, buy it, don't download it from warez. If you watched it already, buy DVD later. We all are building on many things people discovered before us for free and they often dedicated their lives to it, therefore we don't need to be that copyright-focused (if you are a believer you know everything good is from God anyway).
I would say we should stay human (buy and support creators if possible) but not to judge for every trifle. When someone warns you that some content should not be shared further, just accept it and remove it. We don't need 3rd party for this. We don't need prosecutors and judges to decide it for us. We have our own conscience knowing that stealing and not respecting others is wrong thing. We know that if we don't pay producers, they will stop producing sooner or later. We don't need draconian laws for that. Just renew your conscience and everything will go the right way. And even though someone might still feel harmed, let's talk about it, we are all people here. You don't even need to be a believer to understand these basic principles.
(sorry for long comment)
Exactly so that's why I proposed a trickle down effect which would work the same way as curation awards here on steemit.
steemit instead of youtube gets my vote!
Hey @jimmco
Have you looked into the Viewly project? it seems to be what you are looking for in terms of video. As far as i know you can already upload videos to it! Its of course not the same as a native integration into the Steem platform but i think it goes a long way towards the right directions :)
I was not aware of the viewly project. I will add it into the list and check it. Thanks for letting me know.
Hate censorship >< also, check out "viewly". Also, tip! simple
Yeah, it's censorship a poor practice of sick people. Thanks for letting me know about the viwely project, @xtetrahedron already mentioned it.
Keep it simple and free. I really like that steemit has no advertising cluttering the interface. If investors come to support the cost of large data optimization and storage there will be advertising. With advertising comes censorship because then steemit is obligated to comply with their imposed morality standards. That dependency would change steemit.
I agree with you and hope that Steemit will not end like that.
excellent post, the day steemit replaces youtube will be a great day and a victorious day for the people.
@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit:)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!
Censorship harms everyone. Great post.
The amount of data produced by the aggregate total of all images posted on steemit over time would require significant storage and would cause any blockchain technology to grind to a halt if it were stored within it intrinsically as opposed to URL references only.
Video is another matter completely completely.
Estimates (exact figures unknown AFAIK) for YouTube storage capacity run to into the exabyte range (10^18 bytes, or 1 billion gigabytes) and I'm sure it won't be too many years before it encroaches upon zettabytes and then yottabytes, even with advanced data deduplication methods like EMC.
Network traffic itself would be orders of magnitude larger than the storage (1+ view{s} equal to or greater than 1 file).
Yeah, I'm aware of that. It definitely cannot be replicated on all nodes like the text is. It should be stored similarly to how MaidSafe does it (I guess there are actually "just" 4 copies of same data in its network). Youtube had (already in 2012) about 80 petabytes of data. 5 years ago! No idea how it is now. Anyway once the technology is out, we will see real market working and really how expensive is to store 1 minute of HD video on such a network. Then demand and supply will fix the rest.
That's a big fix.
I'm currently involved in a network upgrade project and the installation alone of redundant core switches & associated routing equipment is $16,000 - not including the equipment; one (near) fully populated core switch is at least $12,000 by itself, then there's distribution switches and routers etc, plus racks/cabinets, redundant power supplies, SFP modules & fibre runs, the list goes on.
This is for a fairly limited scope network in a private local loop that's contained within a private infrastructure environment.
Storing 1min HD video every 1sec and serving thousands of mins HD video every 1sec in anything approaching user expectations requires significant provisions and maintenance, particularly when surge capacity, attack, and failure must all be accommodated.
I believe it could be done, but the capital outlay would require total monetisation of all steemit content, unless SBD is $3k, and vendors happily accept crypto as payment
When there is profitable business model set, millions from investors will come. Then it will be very tempting for big investors because it's well-known that internet-business can be very profitable. However to find proper monetization model is necessary. So far Steemit still doesn't have any.
Correct, for now ;)
I really hate censorship, we need platform to share our views. Decentralization of everything is require to give power back to the people.
I don't know who is worse, big corporations like google who basically do whatever they want or the politicians who have long forgotten that they are supposed to represent the people, not huge corporate interests.
Instead what we have is this unholy alliance of big government, big corporations, lobbyists, the mainstream media, and institutes of "higher education" (I prefer to call it indoctrination in many cases involving universities). And we are all just rabble / the dirty masses in their eyes.
I really wish we could get a true libertarian president elected some day and see the libertarian party get organized and grow in the U.S. I know Gary Johnson did manage to break the 5% mark in some states in regards to the presidential election in 2016. Hopefully the party can get to the level where it can be a viable contender for higher office in this country.
I think there are a lot of Americans who are libertarians but they just don't realize it because they're fooled by the two party narrative and think voting third party is a waste of a vote.
Sadly I think it will be a long time (if ever) before US citizens break the shackles that the two parties have on all of us.
I remember Google from the early days and they had (showed) no intentions whatsoever to censor the content. All these things came from outside world from special interests, regulators and politicians. There is always someone who is "harmed" by this and that post, this and that searchable information, this and that opinion. And they are always people ready to use this pseudo-hurt to put all others into the cage for that. Then it goes on and on and it ends with EU absurdities like that Google search results must follow EU regulations in terms of what must be returned by the algorithm.
US has good chance now, Trump is slowly breaking the old structures and no matter what the mainstream media says about him, he and his team understand what the good old liberty is. He might not fix everything but I'm pretty sure that in few years everyone who is not totally blinded against him will see that freedom really fought back. Yeah, he is not Ron Paul, but it's better to have elected Trump in White House than R. Paul outside it (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush).
Makes sense. I don't know view.ly - is it better than LBRY?
It might be but so far there is no downloadable version yet AFAIK, just some preview screenshots compare to LBRY which already has a working release.
Oh okay, got it. Thank you!
thanks! @jimmco
Nice post...Hate censorship !!!!..
good work jimmco.. good stuff.. i realy like your post,, keep posying like this.. i upvote you, please apvote back... :-)
thank you
I don't see a video platform being built on the blockchain anytime soon due to size limitations... but it sure would be cool if there was one!
Never say never! My first hard drive had just 40 MB (4x10^6 bytes) and now Seagate has built 60TB (60x10^12 bytes) SSD. Youtube in 2012 was estimated 80 petabytes, it is about 1400 such hard-drives. Let's say you will have every data replicated 4times in the network (of course you will not be able to have full youtube on each node) . Then you will need 5600 of such a disks to provide 2012 youtube content. Everything is possible. Considering there is million of nodes, everyone providing just about 1TB would be 1 exabyte and and that could store 2012 youtube 12x. Or more realistically, there could be 1000 high-capacity nodes each with 1000 TB (1PB). Considering a better compression and some limitation (assuming 4k will not be supported at the beginning) it's pretty achievable IMHO. Of course it must make sense from economy PoV.
Thanks for letting us know about this..
I was going to suggest view.ly and LBRY, but I see you are already there.
good work
Good stuff man, following you for more exciting pieces in the future.
Awesome, what did you find the most exciting about it ?
Thanks man!
Cool cool Cool ! Everything is Censored in Turkey !
Yeah, we need to be careful in the rest of the world, otherwise there will be censorship everywhere like in Turkey. I hope Turks will have free internet one day soon again one way or another.
Thanks a lot for your kind wish they even start to block VPN's
Great, unique and funny - hats off @jimmco...Keep posting good stuff. I have upvoted you.
To say frankly, I am replying here literally for your upvote. As I am a newbie, what else is important than upvotes and steempower. Please let me also be part of Steemit family.
I am Groot! :D
nice post please visit my blog.My new post:
https://steemit.com/softwhere/@doneshshrestha/whatsapp-check-out-all-the-updates-coming-to-android ,Upvoted
Congratulations for your excellent post, I invite you to follow us and we grow faster, greetings
I think for videos, url reference remains the best for the blockchain, steemit
If the google account was censored from a reason then its content is not available anymore.
Maybe you have a chance in another place to find it.
Regarding web archive, with website snapshots, unfortunately i don't think they keep videos there, only text and images.
The post is very good,
Hi brother,
Can you help me with this post, I want to revive the forgotten history of Aceh.
click here!This post received a 3.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jimmco! For more information,
Censorship can suck it.
That braveheart meme is hilarious.
love steemit.... but youtube have its own place
YouTube is getting triggered by InfoWars.com!🤣
Excellent post @jimmco.👌
nice post follow and upvote my post..thanks
You forgot @bitchute it seemed to work pretty well until I found out I could upload only *.AVI. That said I should check the status.
Get rid of censorship!
Make the internet free again! #TrumpStyle :D
Thats what I think since I'm on the internet, everyone should decide what he wants to see and what not :(
Thanks for mentioning some alternatives, will keep track of them :)
Greetings from

Censorship can actually make you handicap. It is only good for parental control. I think LBRY seems promising!
LBRY already doesn't look bad at all. It might be really interesting in the future.
just noticed it is now in open beta! (no more email waitlist)
downloaded it but not tried it yet, I'll give it a go this weekend and do a review sometime next week.
And bought up some LBRY credits, I think it will be huge! https://lbry.io/get
It really works, great job LBRY devs!
Agreed - Lbry is the way to go here. I'd definitely like to see some closer integration with Lbry and Steemit. The biggest barrier I see thusfar, however, is that Lbry requires a dedicated client and doesn't have browser support yet.
I'm sure this is technically feasible, perhaps with WebSockets or perhaps with a background daemon, but once solved, it seems like these two technologies can be key to replacing much of the social media monopolies that are currently in place.