My earlier posts regarding Mr Cool (Anton Magnusson)
Translation of the article
The comedian Anton Magnusson will not be prosecuted.
The prosecutor have dropped the investiagtion concerning
his alter ego Mr Cool and the infamous and pedophile accused song.
This summer several celebrities, among others the actor
Mia Skäringer Lázár and the retorics-expert Elaine Eksvärd,
critiqued the song "Fuck children" and encouraged their followers
on social media to report them to Spotify.
Several private individuals reported Anton Magnusson and
his colleague Simon Gärdenfors and in a case concerning an
interview a criminal investigation begun concerning sedition.
Now Anton Magnusson shows the decision that the
investigation is dropped on instagram. Prosecutor
Emma Adolfsson does not want to comment on the reason why.
- You will have to come back to me on monday.
In the decision it says that one cannot prove that the
suspects are guilty of a crime.
Here is Anton Magnussons instagram message of the decision: