"A Day In The Life" some photos from my adventures yesterday

Post office MARTA selfie 2-22-2018.jpg

Nice Smile, Huh?
(those are my new prescription sunglasses; I've never had them before)

This is just outside my post office, the MARTA Rail line above and behind me

Post office-Morris Brown selfie 2-22-2018.jpg
This is just across the street from the previous shot, with the now defunct
"Morris Brown College Stadium"
behind me
The MARTA line runs through a TUNNEL underneath the Stadium

Tulip Tree selfie 2-22-2018.jpg
From the car on my way to the Dr office, I spotted that tree, and wanted to get a selfie with it.
It didn't turn out so hot.

Tulip Tree.jpg
So here it is, all by itself. I think it is a "Japanese Magnolia" or a Tulip tree,
But if so, it is one of the largest I've ever seen.
"A Day In The Life"
adventures on the way
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited, many thanks



Are you kidding? Great pic Jerry! Love the stache!

ha ha...my niece says it makes me look like "Snidely Whiplash"


😂😂😂😂😂 you know she's right!

Really nice