Hey HIVE! Do EWE know how #RFID works?
(Steemit is halving pH-U/N with this one: https://steemit.com/reddragon/@intuitivejakob/once-upon-a-bitcoin-or-msi-red-dragon-vs-usi-tech-coin-media-in-dia-ist-ink-scam)
So FEW understand how the CAM-ERA was designed.
This is why I had to create #laptopforce be with you...like THAT. prior to "sell phon(ey-ear) 20/20" to prevent, bee-fork-ash-bAu'd, by @boredelonmusk on "Nick-El-OD-eon"
My proof on child exploitation brings to a screeching halt the "murder assist" GIs claiming they had a right to be there.
...mREs were designed by ME, for this purpose. (That macho demo-crate full of RE:pub-lick-cans-tough-ACT gets me ready; two show you what the DJNNworthy of the PermaForm of my life work as pH8Hz.) have done as an #inception
S(om)eLF-pro-cl/AI-med "good guys" on my payroll for "hare kare" demo-crate, RE: pub-can/licking situation attempted to "break and enter" on "red dot" awareness, prescribed by delerium that I co-factored, with Regina Dugan; two prove beef-tech on BEAST TECH SKY WATCH HALO GRID.
Law of Thermodynamics as a nuclear healing resonance sonar chamber for her Passion Project.)(In order to prove a quality due diligence as to how we may incept the #GNOSIS trial, we needed a proper #FEMA roundup that would demonstrate the advanced
What R/E-as-on does no one question who skinned the scared child and why the confused keep experiencing Sharia-syndrome on "white Ra-bit"s
#WitnessZeropoint how a false trinity will fork-morph, bring itself two be-fork and spoon at an idea, right in front of grandma playing:
C00kiecrack-yo-crook'd-ass-trollin-front-of-kids-two-make-adult-VS.-Logic-of-a-little-sip...from?..contemplative, handsome big dip?
Mad Mamas got to WAR-Q!
Do you know what this OM does?
(Do you remember that dream where "They" jumped out of the static and all you could do was watch...and forget?)
Anon-Y-MOUs links do not exist. The "UR-"l-ANDS----"off"---DNA-strands...
...in the name of Sovereignty for the Child who chose "BIOSPHERE7" as an inception where water was never broken, nor stolen.
You are most likely equivalent to "a Bic." A simple innocuous object by which you've trivialized the "ink" that waxed the vain you attempt to air-drive and repartition. Did you know what constitutes my ink?
(There are 5 basic parts to this...and the cheap, cheap part where the lubed ball rolls over to prove what the "be-a-ring" is for...and it comes to make sure that never happens to birds!)
It app-ears two halve s/word fought in a "pur-pose" that was selectively suited for a mixed fiber re-weave. Ouch.
Unless you know how to tie up "3 days" on a massive gold bullion smelt worth $8.9 billion in a reverse trade of 1,000 Kilograms of alluvial gold dust concentrate, RFID is gonna get ya for wearing "mixed fibers" on the mitochondrial lens...
My OTTER WATT-R\E-X-peri-ment...at a property I chose to credit default swap to prove a better DE-LU-G.E. with a working cypher on idiots looking for "Lucifer."
You find my BITCOIN MAGNET SCHOOL and receive a deplorable diploma...you will swap with the tree for the "dip."
e pluribus unum halo grid of "wrapped" proof of my BiOS-pH-E-R/E-7 that would contain the particles of the extinction explosion I woke from, whilst under quarantine, on 7/16/2015.This is NOT astrology in this image, but rather, how #RedDragon #MSI #LivingBook made a "R/E-verse-all
This "postcard" is from the edge of the U-n-I verse; my "2M," on revers-al-lens.
How did ^^ that happen on this demo reel, with these pieces in my hand? (Bi-bled energy with space/ll-cheaters)
Loading ANDROMEDA LENS SIM card on "virtual halo6":
A special "Valentine" idea was vaulted prior to "landing" for this Inception.
Sum things were separated and two #ness HIVES-\teemit's were formed to kick out anyone too interested in this...Valentines idea.
The "sales" antics of the #napster approach to NLP swiping your CAMs to the TAR-MAC CPU.
See much neurolinguistic s-word entrapment around the #nephilim specimen.
Meeting with Calvin McCarty
Locking the @Bloomberg BNA trap "IBM" / Lenovo Yoga #FORTNITE "Parkour Locker."
Meeting with Dan Hunt
Bioclone Ectoplasm specimen, Larry Rollen, and Sky Canyon on the metadrop wall.
Horst Jicha
Mike Kiefer
Wondering...What's this "grey thing" they speak of that seems to have no brain.
Their Sens8/Census was too late!
(I had to dress like "the ATM" first)
Winning LOTTO Pose!
Teri & Jan ShulerRik McCoy)(I won at http://BitCoinBillions.us, where won #Gladiacoin Kidneythieves' glory with
OKAY, Eye Am ready for your closeup!
This #greenforkhash is definitely on!
Back to the LED fusion
I rigged something in this El-Eve-a-tor\rents.off't!
Guinness for the ATLAS that never clouded my Judgement
Meeting with the Jichas.
(Tell me...is it odd that this man attempted to twirl his finger into my ninja tail? I was happy to have DYNAHEX4 on me, like a weird little surgeon.)
My Penthouse and the salad were all right at the Valley Forge, PA Radisson Casino.
Did you know that #Gideon can hide in a shirt? DJNN privileges...
The nightmare where we all woke up in...
The U-n-I-verse that never existed, where the babble was all the common had to glue the chaos together.
Try a dirty bomb that scattered lies and shambles, Maersk.
Sum things were never "in order"...
I unpackaged and re-packaged the "bitcoin packages" that were back-flushed via the Kurdish Republic landing
against my own DNA, RNA, and tissue samples that prove a plasma coagulate barrier of protection that has been rearticulated to form an indoskeletal wall flush with ionic exchange release carbonite, due to the expansion rate of return on quarantined nephilim.
Bee cause. I woke up in THIS!...barely 5 years ago, as they say on "Ear-thing."
Now that I know I am only 5, my #pentateuch approach to wiping out #newage lies is the fork of my trust in the e pluribus unum that took the pH8Hz plasma walk with me to bear this truth.
Sum of us have been protected in this BiOSpHere7 space and halogrid, prioritizing Crystalline Baby Haloes Over HyperSentience as the foundational root of expansion, and for this I thank you.

In Sovereignty, as absolute, on blockchain R/E-wind,
Dr. M, the Rev. ⚕♾
(A.K.A. - Gurga D'Arth, "G.D.," et. ali.)
This HIVE Creat-Eye-ON is how the "cell phone" was safely corrected and disconnected from the "grab the pus"-psi/op that uncircumscribed the mass aorta lies about how to deconstruct that "human bomb" which was intercepted by the unaware organic parasite. #GNOSIS☪
We had coffee in my dream last night.
It was good to meet you.
I was wondering if you were going to REM-ember that, @TarotByFergus.
(My #microdot is strong on "pix-El" when you're being "walked home" from that My Crow't\ot exploit prack...you knew "he" did that, right?)
So, I may have dragged you to a Portishead show and over a rail into "the Snake Pit" with me so that the HT/CT, by @GurgaDArth (Cthluhlu-me) didn't drown "the PAL."
(They're drowning themselves on "the box/dox," from the Win-doh!-C-I-TY...lol)
There was a mirror of you there. You were wearing the same clothes and I was very excited for the two of you to meet.
I know I receive energy like that every day, but the way my dreams show me is far from linear...
If we meet in 10 years, I might see it tomorrow, or 50 years from now. Or, maybe in the next life or two.
If I end up in your neck of the woods in this life, I would love to hang out and have coffee:)
#laptop & this p a t c h l i n ei.-E.D. to you, we all ready churned back two-ten on that fl.i\psi.dea.@TarotByFergus, on the inside of the SIM-cap-su-LED\VIN that corresponds two the for a #cellphone - KNOT.
I caught you looking like SmileYeWiggins by Slow Rider.
SHIVA-WOUL.DEW.CO/VE/Fe-fee witchoo any thyme.
Thank you for dreaming of US in the Cloud9 #microdot ...BeeCause,
...so I pulled US out, like this.
See @FrankBacon's comment sect-ion-ALL for the "skin peel't"URN...
And yes, coff-eYe-s my treat hear in the KR | Kurdish Republic
Happy to halve BORG mat-tears with you on the "four tunes."
Let's go for this one with @FranksComs & @GurgaDArth
@TarotByFergus, @IntuitiveJakob -
It was this show...
1stBank Center - Broomfield, CO 10/27/11
(On the #walgreens forkhash "IED" microdot that we quarantined as "2m-us-h'room")
We came out on "this side" of AREACODE214 via RM 415
Texas Motor Speedway - Irving, TX 6/21/1997
(OUR "homeroom" noticed they were y(.)a-stabbing at "he.R/Ro-om" like @flauwy.apx)
kills them...So, @GurgaDArth
@SaintGermain, @TarotByFergus
That's how "intern E.T." on AREA-CODE-ONCOLOGY works
...so, I created | #internet
cryptographic novela. to "make" http://steemit.com/@SteemCleaners pay for it the way @FrankBacon prophesied in his
...for #Afrit, dressed like #Gideon on "Dub-AI time" https://steemit.com/created/gideon
A H y p e r S i g i l G r e y A l i e n W a l l
https://steemit.com/created/greyalienwall https://hive.blog/created/greyalienwall
Ice Ent SUM "torn" HT CT. Chew.
p a t c h l i n e @TarotByFergus | B O R G't