Then we will talk about some types of love, take a look to see what is yours, it is said that there are different types by which you can spend in your life, If we do a survey and ask what kind of love you are living now, most I would answer "a big love". But it turns out that there are many types of love and each person gives a meaning to this word.
➊ Platonic love: How many do not go through that love, tends to be a romantic longing to remain united to an unattainable person, is a love that can never materialize and lives in your imagination or in your mind, for the Greek philosopher manifests way not exclusively physical, since it refers to an object of desire that is beyond the material.

➋ Unrequited love: I think every woman ever happened to him. It's about when you fall madly in love with someone who does not feel the same for you, which is very sad and can make you very depressed, it's an exacerbated and obsessive human feeling of romantic love.

➌ True love: It is that strong love that drives you crazy and of course, it is reciprocated, it is that feeling lived in a couple with which many people dream. It should be pointed out that for love to be true, it is necessary that there be reciprocity.

➍ Childish Love: It is one of the loves innocent, tender and is the purest that can exist. How many did not happen to them when they were little? You were a girl who was super in love with her classmate and you even blushed with just one look.

There is a love that is undoubtedly the best of all, one that has no limits or comparison with the rest and that is: The Love of God, just think the sacrifice that his son suffered for each of us to give us salvation.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life. "John 3:16
The love of God surpasses all human knowledge, and it is difficult for any of us to understand how wide, how long, how high and how deep is the love of God for each one of us (Ephesians 3: 17-19).
Buen post.