Daily Celestial Challenge ; Saturday : Agriculture.

The Mustard Seed.

A small round seed about 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter and may be colored from yellowish white to black.



This tiny seed when planted, grows into this magnificent tree.



The health benefits of this seed can never be over emphasized.


  • When chewed, the enzymes in our body disseminates it to form Isothiocyanates which helps in fighting against cancer.

  • It effectively provides soothing effects in treating cold and flu problems.

  • Plaster made from mustard seeds aids in treating pains (injuries).

  • It contains preventative properties which repels the symptoms of toxic substances in the human body.

  • Research has shown that mustard oil aids in lowering the level of proteins and other glucose thereby reducing diabetes.

As tiny as this seed is, it holds the key to some break through in medical research and also grows into this magnificent tree.


Indeed mind blowing.

Thank you all for your time.

Special thanks to @sirknight.


Indeed mind blowing. Thanks for sharing.

Really appreciate bro, thanks for stopping by.