He has really supported this challenge.Today's #celestialchallenge is about appreciating animals. @sirknight initiated this challenge.
I want to tell the world today that as humans have life and cherish their loved ones, animals do too. Their children and friends are precious to them.
The idea of just going into the forest to kill an animal just because you are hungry or you need the skin isn't the best. There are some animals that have vital roles in the world's ecosystem.
You may just be killing the last male in that region driving that animal into extinction.
In as much as God created them for us, he also gave us the ability to realize and know that they help to balance nature. They help to preserve the forests even down to cleaning the atmosphere.
Before you kill animals especially in the forest, consult appropriate agencies because as there are humans who have lived their lives and have now left the younger generation to take over, so there are animals who have lived their lives and are now watching the younger ones take over. Killing those young ones have drastic effects on mother nature.
Agencies who study and know about nature and how it's ecosystem works should guide you if the need to kill an animal in the forest becomes necessary.
They are there to help us realize that there are some animals that we shouldn't even kill for the sake of mother nature. Let us be properly guided!
Mother nature has to be preserved and protected at all cost.
Due to the many killings of wild animals, the earth has lost so many beautiful creatures which are now extinct. Sadly, even after all the campaigns and social awareness programs organized by different animal and wildlife bodies, more and more animals are still being hunted down. It wouldn't be long before an animal like the Jaguar goes into extinction if it is still being hunted and killed. We should preserve the animals in the wild for they are God's gift to the earth.
Thanks for this @sahrodion.
It pains me seeing lot of persons going out to kill animals, this i consider as something we shouldn't do, God had created them so we should love, care and show respect for them, nice write-up @omonosa
It pains me to see that even after some of the beautiful creatures created by God have gone extinct due to the ignorance of some men, we still see people killing animals without control because of greed and selfishness. The fact that God gave man dominion over the earth doesn't mean he should abuse it. Animals are as important as man on earth so it is vital that we love them as we love ourselves.
I got your point @omonosa,keep up your good work.
I'm glad you did. Thanks @dyz7
Most animals have gone extinct because of the wicked nature of man
We must try to preserve the animals here on this planet
Nosa you got this theme on point today
Keep it up
Well detailed and educative post. Thanks so much for sharing
U'r welcome
Well, life has always been about survival of the fittest. However, you are right about one thing. We have to stop contributing to the deprecation of some species.
Exceptional! Using #celestialchallenge to increase awareness of animal (and human) preservation is a masterstroke. Incorporating Kirk and Spock - genius!
Thanks @sirknight! I'm grateful for the opportunity.
What a masterpiece @omonosa
Thanks man.
Great post...... Let's protect Mother Nature
We just have to. At all cost.
Earth is a wonderful creation if you think of the life forms that has been doscovered and still being discovered!
Although it has been postulated that disorderliness and destruction will always increase according to the law of entropy, this same law also suggests that although disorderliness cannot be reversed, it can be reduced!
Earth can last longer!
More wonderful life forms could spring up through natural selection and crossing
Let us treat mother nature with the love and care it deserves!
Nice post sir!