Dailycelestialchallenge Thursday: forcesinnature

Over the years man has without a doubt come to realise in a rather unpleasant way that nature is a force humanity cannot contend with. Nature in it's raw form is a force so powerful and devastating at the same time.

Using the Africa's most populated city, Lagos as a point of reference, the last raining season was so devastating. There was massive flooding especially in Lagos Island. This buttresses how forceful nature can be especially when men thread on it's part. As seen from the pictures, the flood destroyed properties worth several millions of Naira. The major cause of this is the fact that government keep encroaching on the sea, and most of the drainage system that should channel the rain water away is usually blocked with dirt.
Thus, when the rain kept pouring for days the flood rose to a terrifying level. Panicked residents had to flee their home, some fled in canoes on a tared road. Such was the force of nature.

Kindly upvote comment and followCredits to @Sirknight for this wonderful contest. And thanks to @Tomset for introducing me to this wonderful contest.


ok already I vote. do not forget to vote back