DailyCelestialChallenge Tuesday-animalkingdom / Peace symbol The pigeon

The pigeon is a bird that is part of the family of the Columbiadae. Judging by appearances, it seems a rather insignificant animal: not very pretty, rather shy and unable to sing. All he knows how to do, it would be said, is to flit through the squares and streets of our cities.


They are admired by some and hated by others, who even call them "rats of the air". Yes it is true that they can be carriers of some diseases and that there are people who suffer from phobia (feeling panicked at pigeons).
The pigeon was domesticated by the human being about five thousand years ago, in certain aspects, it is a very interesting bird, and also interesting are its relations with man through history. Because of their great sense of orientation they were trained in Egypt, China, Greece and Rome as messengers. In India it was the object of adoration and for the Incas it was a mythological figure. The white dove has historically been considered a symbol of peace and understanding among people.


They are admired by some and hated by others, who even call them "rats of the air". Yes it is true that they can be carriers of some diseases and that there are people who suffer from phobia (feeling panicked at pigeons).

The symbol of peace is traditionally related to a white dove with an olive branch in its beak.

Its origin goes back to the Biblical story of the Universal Flood, related in Genesis 8: 8-12. According to the Bible, at the beginning of time, the wickedness of men provoked the wrath of God, who decided to exterminate almost all life on earth, with the exception of the family of Noah who showed fidelity to Him, and a couple of every pure animal.

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God warned Noah to build an ark to preserve his family and animals from destruction. Then God rained so intensely on the Earth that all the mountains were covered and all the animals and human beings that were not in Noah's ark died. After forty days, Noah opened a window of the ark and released a pigeon to see if the waters had fallen on the surface of the earth. After seven days, the pigeon returned at dusk, bringing in its beak a green olive branch; meaning that the flood was over, the waters had waned to the level of the earth and that, therefore, God was again at peace with humanity. The dove announced that the danger had disappeared.

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Pigeons are animals that can be fed with different types of grains, such as corn, sorghum, wheat, dari, rice, oats, barley, wheal, pea, vetch, lentil, carob, flax, beans, hemp, sunflower or rapeseed. The breeds of pigeons that exist around the world are about 350, but all come from an original species: the wild pigeon./div>

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