Legend has it that a shepherd of sheep from ancient Greece, called · # Magnes, was walking some day with his sheep. Suddenly he felt that a mysterious force was holding him and his sandals were as if stuck to the ground.
- Without a doubt, you are a magic force - said #Magnes looking at the ground -. Drop my sandals; I need them. But nobody answered him. Then #Magnes took off his sandals and checked that he was barefoot if he could walk.
What had happened?
That #Magnes sandals had nails and the ground had magnetic mineral. Without knowing it #Magnes had discovered the magnet.
Properties of the magnet.
A magnet is a piece of magnetic iron, that is, it has properties to attract iron objects. This property that magnets have is called #MAGNETISM.
Because the earth behaves like a magnet?
It is probable that the innermost zone of the terrestrial sphere is formed for the most part by magnetic materials of iron. Therefore, the earth behaves like a great magnet.
And, like all magnets, the earth has:
A magnetic north pole.
A magnetic south pole.
#The compass.
The first ones to use the compass were the Chinese, from whom the Arabs received it, who in turn introduced it to Europe. The first safe news about its use is dated at the end of the 13th century IN ITALY. I play a very important role in the progress of the navigation of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
source: Educational guide "Science within everyone's reach".