In the era of internet - people tend to live a life with the net, (everyday if you want answer to a certain question ask MR GOOGLE he knows best) so net will provide everything and games were introduce, Facebook and others but the triumph is different to every person some are positive - some are negative. Now steemit comes in - its totally different approach coz here discipline will prevail (you cannot just announce or publish anything - we have curator). In steemit I found H for hungry - hungry in a sense of every minute is exciting to read an article - just name it steemit have it from trading , walks of life, nature and others. I have also O for observant - not just from law nor observant what to promulgate. I have M for mastery coz individual blog in terms of who they are and finally E for esteem a respect and admiration to a person of worth and value. In steemit I'm HOME and I love it.