Did you know you can use an old CB or Ham radio and send and receive bitcoins over analog radio waves? This has potential to be assembled into a packaged consumer item that would allow people to make ultra private bitcoin transactions which can work even if the "internet" goes down, or incase of an EMP or solar flare.....as long as someone has the bitcoin transaction list printed out somewhere, you could theoretically check it by hand and do the bitcoins y hand ...solving for blocks by hand without calculators just slide rules, or abacus would require many milions of people all working together to solve the many equations that the bitcoin mining computers can do trillions of times faster than all the fastest human math experts combined!
I was surprised this author did not write a steemit for this! Rob Stiles of BetterOffBitcoin.com wrote this incredible article explaining how to send a bitcoin transaction over analog radio waves! Imagine using steemit over analog radio waves!
Bringing cryptography back to its source! Imagine an Enigma machine and bitcoin, mixed together, a true paper crypto currency that you could use with just paper
His Article explaining the requirements and process of sending bitcoi transaction over a CB or ham radio
Here is the article, in it he describes how you just need a little ffree software, and a CB radio and a headset however any computer with a microphone and speakers will do! This is fundamental internet stuff here! using anlog wire and radio to send digitally encoded bits of 1s and 0s changed our world in ways noone ever imagined!
Bitcoin and a global backup internet backbone to allow anyone to still connect to the bitcoin network even after a catastrophic event like solar flare or EMP, because many man people have already taken the liberty of printing ot the entire blockchain which is only a few megabytes....theoretically you could take a digtal image, break it down into 1s and 0s and write it onto a cave wall, and millions of years later they ca find that binary code, and convert it into an image, and how that digital image would be as clear as the day it was taken!
And another BTC talk forum post by a separate guy with his own altcoin meant for sending and receiving over CB radios!
There are many ways to use old but string wifi routers to setup your own neighborhood mesh network! Hell by just getting enough repeaters together, OR using those very very strong modified (illegal) wifi routers that you can violate FCC rules with, which i dont recommend, but honestly the government doesnt own the fucking airw waves they dont own the godman Aether....Ad theres plenty of ways to broadcast wifi legally...theres this one router you can use,
Here is a great kickstarter for a Off Grid Powered "Gotenna" that lets you "Communicate without cell, wifi & satellites using your existing smartphone. Relay messages through other users to extend range! From their Kickstarer Page, "goTenna Mesh is the first 100% off-grid, mobile, long-range consumer-ready mesh network. The device pairs with your smartphone to enable communication even when you don’t have service. Absolutely no towers, routers and satellites required! Create people-powered connectivity absolutely anytime, anywhere.
Send text messages and share GPS locations on offline maps with others. Chat privately in 1-to-1 or group conversations, or broadcast to any other goTenna Mesh device up to several miles or kilometers away all without using towers, routers or satellites. Each tiny-but-mighty device is powered by game-changing networking protocols which intelligently — and privately! — relay messages through other users. You can potentially double or triple any device's effective range and create a network that gets stronger the more people join it!"
See the more of these we buy, especially us steemit users, we can create a global steemit mesh network to allow all steemit users to get FREE internet as a backup to their current ISP! Wow this could be its ownaltcoin system where you sell your own bandwidth, like mystereum, wow this could be mixed with mysterium like hardware VPN ! We should be sending one fo these devices to a steemit user in every city in the world so we canccreate a global backup internet system a REAl "dark" web
WOW this thing looks REALy cool! It can allow your phone to communicate to other Gotennaes miles away or you can just extend your range to peiple without gotenna! THIS could Totally change the game for BTC and STEEMIt when we dont even need our ISPs to acccess the internet! I cant WAIt untill we actuallly have a Gotenna in every neighborhood an people will start using their own internet mesh networks!
When we combine this with the firechat and zombie apps or the built in gotenna app, we will be able to send messages over a mesh network, so noone can stop us we will ALWAYS have our OWN network connections!
wow and there also are some amazing off the grid apps you can get for Android and iphone FireChat and ZombieChat or just search "OffGrid Messaging" or "OffGrid" an these apps let you find people within range of your phones wifi! You dont need any internet connection! If you live somewhere with a high population density youll be able to use this app to talk to everyone physically around you who also has the app installed!
And fire chat is also incredible and for android or iphone making it superior!
This fire chat app is INCREDIBLY useful! These types of offline wifi chat apps NEED bitcoin integration! In fact all you have to do is enable bluetooth transactions on your bitcoin wallet, OR you can send the person your BTC deposit address over the fire chat app! And they can then send you the BTC when they are back in service range...OR can we just send bitcoins over bluetooth or wifi without connecting to a bitcoin node?
They already allow you to send messages and pictures without data just over the wifi to people close enough to you...so you could just send your bitcoin address for them to pay you or vica versa...and this means anyone can use bitcoins even when everything else is totally down like the Banks or your Debt card and ATMs all could fail and bitcoin will work as long as there are TWO nodes left! And it shoudl work even of those two nodes need to communicate over just the wifi!
How does it get synced with the blockchain and verified?
Very good question!
We can use Telos dstors and we can use steem and eos... steem engine tokens like @torrent.tokens etc
Great Post with tons of information and easy to read and follow. Thumbs up! And Upvote Up!
Also I have added you to my "Following"
They made it easier: https://txtenna.com/
Seems like EOs wants to do this!