Saturday is Caturday! Today I woke up feeling so sad (more later) and then I want to the PowerHouseCreatives community page and saw @thekittygirl's #caturday post, and just felt instantly better!
It inspired me to share this photo of my Obi Wan kitten, snug in his basket with his favourite blanket. #lockdownforwhat 😂

I also wanted to share some photos I found on the internet that I thought fit in well with #caturday.

Just writing this post has cheered me up significantly 😁 I have been feeling quite sad since I spoke with my boss yesterday, he announced that he would be implementing a paid leave structure for our company during the lockdown in South Africa, which basically means that as long an employee has annual leave they will be paid. Which is great! BUT once that leave runs out, it will become unpaid leave. This means that if SA extends the lockdown past the 16th April (it is rumoured that this will definitely happen) all of our staff will have finished their annual leave, which means noone will get paid.
Honestly, it's different for me, since I am still working, so the policy doesn't apply to me, but I am so concerned for my colleagues, who are mainly the only income for their families. I literally burst into tears today thinking of all of them.
I comfort myself with the fact that the lockdown has not been extended as of yet, so I really pray that it doesn't get extended. I'm a stresser by nature, stress about everything. It's something I'm working on.
Here's hoping 🙌
This is so true and I feel similar @princessmewmew for me, one of my income streams is my little cottage I let through Airbnb. Since the shutdown ALL my guests have cancelled and since I am not technically an 'employee' I will get NO money from our governement to make up for the thousands of lost wages through the Summer. I can manage it, barely, as I still have to pay the taxes, utilites, and repairs on the house even though it sits empty. However many people use airbnb as their MAIN income, even living in thehouses they rent out to HELP them buy food and pay the mortgage, I don't know what will happen to them!
I also think of all the young people early 20s who work in our retail , as al lthe big chains are shutting and they have to apply for unemployement, and because SO many are doing it at once many have to wait and wait and many people live from week to week, so I don't know what will happen.
It is an odd time but we must all keep our chins up and try our best, looking at cats is a good way ;) For me it has been going all out with enlarging my Veg garden, starting way more plants then I need and playing with my chicks and quail. I hope we have a Good world at the other end of this.
We're all officially shut until 4 May, but there is talk of it going on through Summer! Heavens...
oh wow! that is intense! My husband and I have been wanting to buy a property for years, but have never found the one, or even just one that we can afford, and I always wondered if something was holding us back, or even protecting us, and I think I know now why we had such bad luck with this
It's going to be crazy here too, especially in my city where most households have a direct income stream from hospitality and tourism.
Our lockdown has been extended as well, until the 1st of May.
I do think we are lucky to have had forewarning though, I think about the World Wars and similar and some had to flee into hiding and others who were free had to make do with what was available, which was not much.
Honestly, I am quite happy at home and am not as affected as a lot of others are, but of course I am nervous about our future economy and others around me
Oh, dear, I can imagine how you feel! I know it must be very difficult to stand by with your arms folded, but leave everything in God's hands. Let's trust in his plan for each of us. Lift your spirits! Suddenly that can be a way to help others: by motivating them even if it's from a distance. A big hug for you, beautiful princess.
thank you Nancy :) I am trusting in God, with everything I have.
There seems to be a problem with this Caturday stuff. It's Cats.
I worry about people too. I know people that are in trouble already and we aren't anywhere near the end of economic hardship. All I can do is the best I can do. I can't fix anything. It's a sad situation.
you're so right! and here, i can't even leave my house! if we were allowed, in a usual circumstance, i would be driving over to their houses with food.
I was already working out if i do get a government payout, it would be about a third of my salary, but if i split it by 8 (nr of colleagues in trouble) I could give each person an equal amount, which would not be a lot but it would surely help. Then I check myself and tell myself I can't give away my salary when I am only getting a third of my salary. ohhhhhh :(
I just read this today and was alarmed knowing you are still on lockdown and not getting paid. We have the same situation here and I have to wonder where they think food and money are coming from.
When will people turn to crime? That worries me too. I'm a worrier by nature too.
Stay safe.. Prayers go out to you.
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