Meet Watson!
Watson is one of my son's two cats, and is normally very camera shy. Usually, the minute you hold up a camera or a phone, he's off! Today I caught him just before he scampered off! He's a beauty, isn't he? Both he and Zion are spending time with us till my son returns from overseas to pick them up. You have seen Zion before, but this is Watson's debut appearance on Steemit! Please make him feel welcome!
Image ©Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved. Camera: iPhone 8 Plus
Click on the image to view full screen!
If you know who started the caturday challenge, please let me know so that I can give credit where it is due!
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The way you treat kittens in the early stages of it's life will render it's personality traits later in life.
Pretty cats, I love him so much. The color of chocolate alloy with blue eyes is very beautiful. 😍
Yes, he is lovely. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my, he is gorgeous!!!
How old is he?
He is six, and was a feral kitten, so is still very skittish around humans even after all these years!
You are welcome, thanks for sharing @dmcamera😊
Handsome dude.
He sure is! :-)
He seems very curious at what you are doing this time. What a gorgeous cat.
Thanks! Yes, he has been with us a year, but is still very skittish around me and my husband.
Watson is a handsome feline for sure, he looks younger than six years old.
Maybe because he is so spoiled. LOL!
Oh, is he fed Fancy Feast in a gold rimmed chalice?
No. He can’t eat canned food. It makes him throw up. 😥🙀
Wow, Watson, what pretty eyes you have! ♥
They are beautiful, are they not?
He is very handsome. Such hypnotizong eyes! Absolitely beautiful! Why is your son overseas? I bet you and the cats are missing him!
Thanks! My son has a girlfriend in Moscow, so he has gone there to live for a while. He will be back in May. we do miss him.
Amazing eyes. Great shot! Peace
Thanks! 😊
We have a Seal Point.
In the past, we have had Tonkinese, Seal Point, Siamese, and Burmese.
I’ve had a Blue Point and Two Seal Points in the past. Then for years I had just had kitties who adopted me. My last two passed away withim months of each other last year, so my son’s two are good company!
I should also mention, we have a bit of a naming convention.
All of the Kitty Kats' names begin with T
Tai San (f), Togo (m), Timmy (m),
my old man: Teddy (m), and Tiki (f) my li'l one. She's Just turned 2. She's livened Teddy back up, brought some more 'kittenish' behavior back to him.
Aw! That’s cute! Cats are such fun pets to have. I have never lived without one my whole life, so I have no idea what it is like to not have a cat around! The worst part is that I have had to say goodbye so many times, and it is heartbreaking.
We wait as long as we can, after, but we've tended to have 2 always. When the older one passes, it is as hard on the younger as it is on us.
he really is a very handsome boy !!!!! #Caturday is like #MarketFriday - by @dswigle
Thank you! Did @dswigle start #caturday?
yes, this is Denise - @dswigle
Is @tali72 a second account you have, Denise?
hee hee hee I am Tali, and Denise is Denise. I live in Israel and she is in America :)
thank you I did not know that, happy i can give credits now when i post the cats. :-) thank you
he is a real beauty and a great shot of him
Thanks! I think so too!!
He is a really handsome cat!! The different personalities of cats still amazes me. Almost every cat I've had has been a rescue and some have become the nicest cats I've ever owned and a few not so much but I still love em!! Great photo and glad you were able to get it before he scampered off!
Thanks! The other cat has completely the opposite personality! He’s also a rescue and is a tabby point Siamese. He is best friends with whoever visits the house!!
Absolutely adorable, especially with these blue eyes.
Thanks! I often wonder what’s behind the looks I get from those gorgeous eyes! Lol!
Caturday started out on instagram. We took it pretty serious in Tsu times and it survived to Steemit but i think its not really belonging to anyone actually! Beautiful blue eyes. Resteemed!
Hehe, looks like he's about to scamper off too. Such a suspicious 'what you doing over der with dat camera?' Thanks for sharing :)
What a beauty! You captured a perfect moment there. Wonderful. :)
Thanks! With Watson, all you have are moments. LOL!
What a beautiful feline! A seal point ragdoll is on my vision board, and will be my dream cat one day.
Oh, that blue eyes, what a beauty!
wow what a nice looking cat! I also have no idea who started the caturday, but I do love the idea. When your son will pick them up you will miss them like crazy! :-) I love having cats in the house!
Bellissimissimo gattino
Welcome to steemit my Dear cat.
You are very Nice.
Thanks @ahadsteemit08!
Oh my goodness! What a beauty!
Thanks! Glad you like him. :-)